Guests at the Castle

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Sesshomaru entered the room without a knock, or pause.

Inukimi sat behind a large, dark wood desk, a neat stack of papers to her right, and a simple quill and vile of ink to her left. The rest of the room was painted a dark red, but not so dark that it was ominous. It had the rather opposite affect, actually. The room was bright and inviting.
Directly behind her was the only window, a tall, two by two pane window, framed in the same dark wood as the desk, over looking the back of the castle. Little decorated the walls, save for the book shelves that covered the walls to either side, the floors a simple red carpet, exactly one shade darker than the walls.
It occurred to Sesshomaru when he was still but a pup- and this had been his fathers study- that it was the exact shade of their eyes in dog form.

"Sesshomaru." She replied, only looking up as he cleared his throat irritably.
She gave him a tight, but knowing smile, eyes narrowing as she scanned his form. "Glad to see you could make it home and grace us with your presence." She said  with a touch of sarcasm.

His eyes merely narrowed in response.

"Did you bring the guests?" She asks.

He nods.

"That's a good boy." She purrs, her smile turning almost evil as she says "Both humans, too! You're more like your father than I had assumed." She laughs, waving off his angry glares.

Sesshomaru growls, the sound drowning out her laughter.
"Do not compare me to him." He rumbles.

"Your father may have been a cheat, but he was a great man, a most powerful daiyoukai!" She defends, matching his icy tone, eyes glaring lasers to his daggers.
...If looks could kill...

"Hn." Sesshomaru hisses, turning on his heel to leave.
That's it.
That's all he can take, the infuriating woman!

"Sesshomaru," she intones, "aren't you forgetting something?"

He turns around, staring into the face so alike and yet unalike his own.
The same pristine white hair.
The same crescent marked foreheads.
The same cold, golden eyes.
Even the shape of their faces were the same.
The family resemblance was stunning, strong.

Oh, but how he hated that stupid face of hers, always daunting and belittling.
'I'm better than you' was her entire vibe.
He had grown into that same iciness.
A small part of himself that he would never admit to hated her for it.

"And what might that be, Mother?" He asked, the last word laced in acid, spit out like it left a bad taste in his mouth.

From a hidden pocket in her kimono, right under the fur pelt of hers, she slips out a string with something attached and hold it out for him to see.

Held by worn string, dangles something Sesshomaru had not seen in years.
His breath actually catches for a moment, his eyes wide and focused on the gleaming circle before him.

His fathers ring.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sesshomaru finally asks, voice barely more than a course whisper.

"It is time for me to retire from the throne. Sesshomaru, it is time you became serious- as the rightful heir to the Western throne- it is time for you to find a Mate."

---------------Authors Note---------------
And all the jaws drop!

Hehe hope you guys are enjoying so far! 💖

Sorry my writing is so sporadic! 😓
I write as I become inspired. Or when I have a few spare minutes.

But are with me here! 🌸

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