For the Night

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When Sesshomaru returned later that night, it was to find Rin asleep in the miko's lap, in a small clearing not far from the river. The miko- kagome- his conscience reminded- had a fire lit and sat proped against a tree. Ah-Un lay lazy but alert nearby, a snoozing Jaken resting against the dragon's side.
Taking all of this in in the span of a second, the taiyoukai caught the Miko's eye and 'hned' before taking a seat against one of the larger trees surrounding them. Kagome nearly jumped out of he skin when she felt the demons strong aura flarring out around them. The hairs on her arms and neck instantly rose, the air around her turning almost electric, as her own powers rose up instinctively.
"Sesshomaru!" She hissed accusingly, glaring at the dog demon.
He raised one elegant eyebrow in response, before flicking his eyes down meaningfully at the child asleep in her lap.
"You could have warned me first. Geez." She mumbled in a grumpy whisper, gently beginning to pet Rin's hair.
Sesshomaru watched, eyes narrowing.
Although the proud demon lord would not admit it, he felt somethig akin to jealousy, watching the woman gently stroking his ward's hair as she slept peacfully in her lap. He'd taken the girl in, and was the child's fatherly figure, he knew, although he would say he was her alpha if ever questioned. For it was true. This was his pack.
And this miko is intruding. He brooded, before his beast interjected 'but the pup accepts her. And is this not clearly her encampment? Perhaps she is not the one intruding.'
Sesshomaru growls to himself at his beast's smugness, accepting that there may be truth to his words. The Miko's stuff is set about the camp, her scent all around the clearing, and by the river.
Movement catches his attention, ripping him back from his thoughts; The miko has moved herself and Rin from leaning against the tree to laying down on some sort of enclosed bedding on the ground. As he watches, she adjusts Rin's head onto a small cushion and then digs around in a newer, more obnoxious (in sesshomarus opionion) bag, and then covers the sleeping child with a thin white sheet.
"Much better!" He hears her whisper happily to herself.
Then, she snuggles into the odd bedding beside the child and stares up at the stars. She yawns, but he can tell that the woman isnt ready for sleep just yet. When she starts to fidget, he lets out a low growl and comands, "stop".
Her eyes fly open comically, and she turns to him as if just noticing he's present, and says "sorry...".
A moment of silence passes before kagome whispers "sesshomaru?"
"Sesshomaru-sama?" She tries again.
With a sigh, he asks "what?"
"Do you ever wonder what you're doing with your life? Like, what mark will you leave on the world?"
"Hn. This Sesshomaru is a lord. I will rule, and eventually produce the next Lord of the West."
"Oh... thats it? You dont have any dreams, you know, plans that you want for your life?"
Sesshomaru watches her for a minute, deciding whether he should just ignore the girl or not, before allowing, "This Sesshomaru has no need for such petty dreamings."
"Oh... I suppose living as long as you do, and having such power means you get to do whatever you want anyway."
Theres a long pause, and then Kago!e yawns an snuggles into the sleeping bag.
Before she succumbs to sleep, the miko whispers a soft "Goodnight, Sesshomaru".

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