Chapter 7: Never Kissed a Girl

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Early morning in Toronto, and the cool autumn breeze brushes up against Alex's face as she runs down the path next to the lake. "Wait up!" Spike laughs. Alex turns around and runs in place as Spike runs up towards her. "Why don't you just hurry up, slow poke" Alex laughs. Spike stops running and leans over to catch his breath. "Slow poke? Huh?" Spike questions. "Always" Alex snickers.

Spike then quickly stands up straight and looks at Alex with a smirk on his face. He takes a step towards her and places both hands on her cheeks. He leans in and kisses her softly, and then instantly runs passed her. Alex turns around shocked. "No fair. You cheated!" Alex yells as she runs towards him laughing.

As they reach the parking lot, Spike is leaning against his car with a smile on his face. "Who's the slow poke now?" he smirks. Alex walks towards him and shakes her head. "You. Cheated" she smirks as she now stands right in front of him. Spike wraps his arm around her back and smiles. "How so?" he asks pulling her closer. "Just, like this" Alex whispers. She leans in and places her lips on his, as she brings her hands up behind his head and through his hair.

She then pulls back and walks towards her car as Spike watches her. "I'll see you at work" Alex states. "See you at work" Spike snickers as he then gets into his car, driving away. Alex sits down and starts her car, following Spike away from the parking lot and through the busy streets downtown.


Alex quickly changes and runs back out of the locker room, almost running into Greg. "Woah. Careful Alex" Greg smiles. "Sorry, dad" Alex says. "Come with me. Let's go see Eddie" Greg explains as he gently grabs Alex's arm and pulls her along.

Greg walks over towards the weapons room and holds up a large target. "Hey! It's one hole. How many shots?" Greg asks. "Twenty" Eddie admits as he hangs back up his gun. "That's nice. That's why you're still my number one" Greg states. Eddie then turns around with a large grin on his face and looks at Greg and Alex. "That's why I'm always number one" he laughs.

Suddenly Greg slowly looks to the floor with an upset look on his face. "Ed. We're being sued. Wrongful death" Greg sighs. Alex looks over at him quickly shocked. "What?" she questions quickly. "First year plaza" Greg explains.

Alex looks down to the floor remembering the call.

Alex watches as the subject becomes aggressive again and points the gun towards Greg and the the other officers, and they all quickly duck. "Hey! Look at me! What did I just say?" Alex yells causing the subject to look at her. "The choices you make, will determine what happens to you! That was a very bad choice to make" Alex continues.

"A bad choice to make would be something like this!" he yells as he points the gun towards Alex. She looks over and notices the son running towards his father. "No!" Alex yells as she runs towards him and quickly hears the gunshot from Eddie's sniper.

"They can't do that! He had a gun pointed to my head" Alex argues. "Well, I guess his son didn't see it that way" Greg states. "So we're being sued? Or I'm being sued?" Eddie asks as he walks between Greg and Alex. "Technically, you" Greg admits quietly. "Eddie he can't do this!" Alex quickly says as she steps towards him. "He can Alex. He just did" Eddie explains as he looks up at Alex from the bench that he was now sitting on.

"The force is behind you one hundred percent. I'm behind you, Ed. Frank McAndrews is going to talk you through it" Greg admits. Eddie looks at him quickly. "You brought my lawyer back?" Eddie questions. "He wants you down at the courthouse this morning, Deposition" Greg answers. "I'm on shift" Eddie states confused. "Ed, we need to be seen taking this seriously. If we stall, they go to the press, this thing gets legs. Just hold your nose and go down to the court house. They don't have a case" Greg explains.

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