Chapter 5: Attention Shoppers

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Eddie walks into headquarters as spots Alex sitting in the briefing room looking over the file again. He walks towards Greg who stands at Sally's desk signing papers. "Hey" Eddie says. "Hey. Ed" Greg smiles as he looks up at him. Eddie nods his head once towards Alex. "She been here all night?" Eddie questions. "No. She has been in there all day though" Greg admits. "How is she?" Eddie asks concerned. "I don't know. I do know that she is contemplating her negotiation skills. She's blaming herself, Eddie. She has been looking over and over through that file trying to find out what she did wrong" Greg explains.

Greg looks back at Alex concerned. "I'm worried about her Eddie. She is falling down a deep hole. We need to pull her back" he explains. "Only way to do that boss, is to put her in a tough spot. A spot where she is forced to do what she does best" Eddie admits. Greg nods slowly and puts the pen back on the desk. "Alex!" he then shouts causing her to look over at him. "Let's go. Time to gear up."

Alex quickly closes the file and runs towards Sally handing it to her. "Thanks Sally" she smiles. "Anytime" Sally states.

Jules walks in as she checks her phone and Alex walks beside her. Jules then looks up surprised. Alex looks behind her and notices Lou, Eddie, Wordy, and Spike all walking behind them too. "Hi. How'd it go last night?"Jules asks as she smiles at Lou. "Oh. I had her in the palm of my hand" Lou snickers. "Candles. a little Egyptian musk" Eddie laughs. "A little boom-shacka-lacka on the iPod" Spike calls out casing everyone around to laugh. "So, what went wrong?" Jules questions as Sam joins the the group.

Alex looks back at him, but Spike moves to stand in the way. She looks up at him and he smiles and nods. "Steaks. I might as well have cooked her my shoe" Lou states. "I told you before about the charcoal grill" Wordy snickers as Alex and Jules walk straight towards the woman's locker room and the guys turn left towards the men's. "Alex!" Spike quietly calls as he grabs Alex's hand and pulls her back from entering the room.

Spike looks towards the guys and wait till they all disappear into the locker room. "Spike. I have to get ready. Whats up?" Alex laughs. Spike looks down at Alex and places a hand on her cheek. "Your okay. Right?" Spike questions concerned. Alex looks up and places her hand on his cheek. "I'm okay. Spike. I promise" she states. Spike leans in and kisses her forehead. "Good. Because if you weren't okay, I would have had to keep my eye on you" Spike smirks. "Well, when you put it that way" Alex grins. Spike laughs and walks towards the men's locker room as Alex walk into the woman's, but is stopped as the door hits Jules who was standing behind it.

"Jules" Alex quickly. Jules crosses her arms and walks slowly away. "You and Spike, huh?" she questions. "I don't know. I want there to be, but I was the one that helped my father right the rules. I can't go against them" Alex states as she takes off her shirt and places it in her locker. "Well if you wrote them, can't you change them?" Jules asks.

Alex sighs and turns around. "It's funny. I was actually the one that came up with the rule about dating co-workers. I remember saying to my dad that it would distract the officer from doing their job properly. Their eyes would always be on that one person that they want to protect the most" Alex explains as she sits down on the bench and puts on her work shirt. "Do you still believe it?" Jules asks as she sits down next to Alex and puts her hair up. "Yeah, I do. I think about him all the time out on the field. I'm surprised that I actually stay focused" Alex snickers. "You guys would be really cute together" Jules admits with a smile. Alex nods in agreement as she stands back up and finishes changing.

Jules and Alex walk into the briefing room. "Sam. Vest?" Eddie calls. "I just qualified" Sam smiles. "That was last week. Come on. Start hanging out in the donut shop, we're gonna know" Eddie laughs as he gently hits Sam's stomach as he passes by. Alex walks over towards her dad and notices he's standing next to Norm. As she's walking, Jules phone begins to ring and Eddie looks over at her. "You going to get that?" he asks. "None of you business" Jules explains sarcastically as she continues to walk by him.

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