Chapter 1: Scorpio

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"Eddie!" Wordy calls from his car, that he has been waiting in for about twenty minutes, as he presses his hand firmly onto the horn in front of him. Eddie sits across the table from his son, Clarke as he eats breakfast. When Clarke looks away, Eddie quickly grabs a strawberry off of his plate as Wordy's car horn erupts outside.

"Hey I saw that!" Clarke shouts as he points a finger at Eddie. Eddie gets up from his chair and smiles at Clarke.
"I got to go, that's my ride" Eddie snickers.
"Aw, I don't understand. You knew about this" Eddie's wife, Sophie sighs in the kitchen. Eddie looks up at her and smiles.
"Tell your folks I'm sorry. I wish I could. I really do. I just don't have a choice" Eddie explains as Clarke storms out of the room furious and upset.

Sophie walks around the counter and looks at Eddie. "They are flying in today. Dad was going to show you off a bit. Clarke's quartet was going to play" Sophie advieses.
"Soph. Anniversaries happen every year. That's what they're for. This is a retirement. I can't miss it. It happens once" Eddie says.
"What are they going to do? Mount you to rubber bullets?" Sophie asks. Eddie snickers and looks back up at her.
"I got to go" Eddie smiles as he walks towards the door.

He could tell Sophie and Clarke were upset, but he has a job to do and he needs to do it.

"Ed. The world's not going to end if you and your buddies skip a few pushups. Clarke pack it up. It's seven" Sophie shouts as she starts to feel frustrated. Wordy's car horn hollers once again as Eddie opens the door. Clarke sits in the living room with a big cello leaning against his lap.
"It's ok. I'll take the bus" Clarke explains as he continues to play.

Eddie looks outside to Wordy and motions with his hands to hang on a sec. Wordy gets out of the car to stretch his legs and Eddie laughs. "I'll be right there" Eddie yells.
"Alright" Wordy yells back.

Eddie then turns back around and closes the front door. "Soph. Everybody is going to be there. Everybody. It's just like-" Eddie starts to say as he walks closer to Sophie.
"Family" Sophie interrupts.
"Good one" Clarke snickers from the living room. Eddie leans in and kisses Sophie on the cheek.
"Later Kiddo" he then yells to Clarke.
"Or not" Clarke smiles back as Eddie opens the front door. Eddie looks back at Clarke with an unimpressed look.

"So what do you want me to tell my parents? Missing their fortieth and all" Sophie asks as she walks to the door and watches Eddie slowly walk to Wordy's car.
"Officer Wordsworth. What do I tell her parents?" Eddie jokes as he looks back at Sophie standing in the doorway.
"Ah, tell them to remember Gilbert and Sullivan" Wordy smiles. Eddie and Wordy both look at each other with big smiles.
"When constabulary duties to be done" they both start to sing.
"To be done" Wordy echos.
"A policemans job is not a happy one" they both continue to sing as they slowly back away towards the parked car.
"Happy one" Wordy then echos.

They both look at Sophie and salute. Sophie rolls her eyes with a smile on her face and closes the door. "Ok" she sighs. Eddie and Wordy laugh as they both get into the car.

When they arrive at the SRU Headquarters they both get out and grab their bags from the back seat. "So what did you say?" Wordy asks as he closes the back door.
"I told him not to waste my time" Eddie says as he walks around the back of the car and walks beside Wordy.
"Rolly" Eddie then calls as they see him get out of his car.
"Hey, hey, hey" Rolly smiles.
"Boss let him test drive the new runner" Wordy explains.
"Oh yeah?" Rolly questions.
"What did you think of the double trigger?" Rolly then asks.
"She's jamming" Eddie explains as they get closer to the building.
"Well you better hope for a flat target" Rolly laughs.

As they get closer to the building they all see two SRU officers repel down the building. "It's all sass, no class" Eddie shouts to the officers with a big smile on his face.
"Oh well that's good match for ya. All brawn and no brain" Jules, another one of his team members laughs. Eddie laughs as him, Wordy, and Rolly walk into the building.

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