Tag#- Get to know me

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hey guys i found this tag around wattpad and now i guess im doing it too, haha read more to get to know me.

Are you named after someone?

Nope :/

When was the last time you cried?

This morning, I was reading a book on wattpad and it was so sad lol

Do you have kids?

Um, no I'm only 14

Do you use sarcasm a lot?

I basically live on it

What's the first thing you notice about a person?

Their eyes

What's your eye-color?


How do you pronounce your username?


Do you have any special talents?

I can watch all seasons of the show Glee in one weekend

Where were you born?

In a hospital, what about you?

What are your hobbies?

Watching netflix, eating, writing, and doing graphic design

Do you have any pets?

Yes, two fish named Brody and Lucky. One dog named Lulu. One cat named Mittens.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

To be a model or maybe to be an author

How tall are you?


Funniest moment in school?

One time my crush asked if i shave my legs

How many countries have you visited?

Just america :(

What's your fav and worst subject in school?

Ugh I hate them all

What's your favorite drink?

Idk, soda?

What's your favorite animal?

Horses, dogs, and cats.

What's your favorite perfume?

Ari by Ariana Grande

How would you name your kids?

I'm way too young to think about that lol

How many boyfriends have you had?

I'm currently dating Netflix

How would you describe your fashion style?

I love tumblr outfits, especially grunge

thanks for listening guys, comment your opinions ;)

I am tagging:

stay weird and beautiful, manda xx

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