Chapter 1

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I reapplied my strawberry flavored lip balm for, like, the zillionth time in the last 10 minutes. I was on my way to my new school for the supernatural, yes, you heard me right, I said (or thought) supernatural, but can you guess what I am? Okay, okay, I'll tell you, I'm an Aloja or water-woman, a water spirit.

I got out of the taxi and let my long golden hair out of my hair tie, it tumbled over my shoulders and down to my hips in soft shiny waves. I flatten my dress out and grabbed my bags, heading towards my new dorm, and my new dorm mate.

I opened the door to my new room only to find a very naked male behind it. "Oh my god! Why the frick are you in my room naked?!" I screamed. "Your room? oh, you must be my mates new room mate." he said with realization on his face. "You still haven't answered my question and, mate?" I asked, still utterly confused. "Oh, well I'm a werewolf and your room mate, Ruby Glen, is my mate." he explained. He's a werewolf. This explains everything, werewolves LOVE being naked.

After the werewolf, who I soon found out was called Ryan, had left we finally got to introduce ourselves. "Hi, my names Ruby Glen, but just call me Ruby." Ruby said as she blushed bright red, I think she's shy. That's cute. (In a non-lesbian way). "Okay. Hey, my name Angel Ross, but just call me Angel." I said jokingly. "Haha, very funny. Now what supernatural are you?" she asked. "What one are you?" I countered. "Forest spirit. Now you." she answered. "Ahhhhh, so that's why your mated to a werewolf. I'm a water spirit." I said. "Really? I think we'll be the best of friends!' she squealed. "Yeah, I think we will."


I awoke to the sound of water running, I looked at my clock and saw it was 7:20pm. Shiz. School starts at 8pm (AN: school is during the night time due to the fact that most of them are nocturnal). I jumped out of bed and high-tailed it to my closet. I grabbed a flowey white dress that had a longer Bach than front and a pair of strappy white sandels. I ran into the shower and was done in seconds, jumping out I rubbed the towel quickly over my body before jumping into my clothes and running out of the room with my bag.

I entered the assembly hall after breakfast as there was a, well, assembly.


I went to my first period class, advanced English, and took a seat at the front. Yeah, I'm beautiful and smart, suck it. The teacher came in seconds later and started her lecture. I tuned out dreaming of a nice, fresh river in the heart of the forest just outside of the school. Ahhhhh, heaven.

Just then the classroom door swung open to reveal the SEXIEST guy on the PLANET! His tanned arms were exposed due to him rolling up the sleeves of his black top, it stretched across his muscular chest and you could clearly see his defined abs, *sigh*. His jeans fit him perfectly, showing more of his muscular build *drooling*. I finally made it to his face, and might I add, I think I fell in love. His dark brown hair was cut shortish so his fringe just fell in his eyes, oh his eyes, they were a deep turquoise that seemed to be glowing, Jesus, I think I'm going to DIE!

I was snapped out of my daydream by a growl, wait a growl? I looked up at the sex god (the really hot guy I was looking at) to find he was already looking at me. Huh? "Mine!" He growled possessively as he came towards me. Oh god, a werewolf-wait, did he just say what I think he said? OMFG! I'm his mate!

~okay, this is the first chapter of my knew story. Do you like? If you do please VOTE. COMMENT. FOLLOW!!!!!~

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