Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning determined to make my mate fall on his knees and beg for me to be with him. Ha, that's gonna be easy.


I walked into the cafeteria with a sway in my hips, I was definitely gonna make a show.

I had on high-waisted skinny jeans that were so tight they were like a second skin, a loose flowing crop top and a pair of white stilettos. I had left my long blond hair down in its naturally wavy state and added some make-up to my already perfect face. I applied black liquid eyeliner and mascara to make my icey blue eyes pop, and some tinted lipbalm. lets just say there was a lot of very horny males surrounding me.


I brushed them aside with a few winks here and there, what? I had to make my mate jealous, plus they were hot. I got some food (a burger and some fries, a girls got to eat) and, quite embarrassingly, was trying to find a free table to sit at. There were none.

Just as I was about to take the walk of shame, I heard Ruby screaming at me. I turned around to see her waving her arms about in the air like an idiot. Oh no.

"ANGEL! COME SIT OVER HERE!!!!!!!!" I heard her screaming. "COMING!" I shouted back as I made my way over there. I officially have the bestest friend in the whole wide world!


She introduced me to a couple other people that were sitting on the table with us. There was Stella, she was a really pretty ginger with rosy cheeks and innocent blue eyes (though you could definitely tell she wasn't innocent), Chad, a black-haired,gold-eyed, player. He was cute. Cleo, a brunette (just like Ruby) with forest green eyes (again like Ruby. They're both forest spirits) and last but not least Cleo's boyfriend Brandon. He's smexy in a nerdy way. he has shortish brown hair and glasses that cover his amazing purple eyes, I love them, but I love turquoise ones more. UUURRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!! I sound like a love sick puppy!

~I know, I know its short but at least I updated! Let me know what you think! ;) COMMENT! VOTE! FOLLOW!!!

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