• Chapter 11 •

Start from the beginning

"Ah, Renly." That hit a sore spot in Brienne.

"Really? He wasn't fit to rule over anything more important that a 12 course meal."

"Shut your mouth."

"Why? I lived with him at court since he was a boy, don't forget. Could hardly escape the little tulip. Skipping down the corridors in his embroidered silks. I knew him far better than you. I knew him as well as anyone. As a member of the Kingsguard, he trusted me with everything."

"He would have made a wonderful King."

"Sounds like you quite fancied him. Oh, gods. You did." Brienne's look gave it all away. You can never lie about loving or hating someone, but the look of love is hard to shake when you fall so deeply into the hole.

"Did you ever tell him? No, of course you didn't. You weren't much of Renly's type in afraid."

Rose knew where this was going. It was no secret that Loras and Renly had loved one another, or at least enjoyed each other's company. But it was only a rumor to some. Rose knew it was true, Margaery told her everything. But it wasn't either Renly or Loras' fault, they were meant to love each other and they did.

"He preferred curly haired little girls like Loras Tyrell."

"Jaime, enough." Rose spoke up and was offended that he would speak about her brother that way.

"I'm not interested in foul rumors." Brienne commented.

"Unless they are about me. It's all true about Renly. His proclivities were the worst kept secret at court. It's a shame the throne isn't made out of cocks-"
Rose knew this was going into a bad direction. He had finally pushed Brienne over the edge. Rose let her take him to task because what he said about Loras was far too inexcusable for her liking.

"They'd have never got him off it."

"Shut your mouth!" Brienne shoved Jaime.

"I don't blame him. And I don't blame you either. We don't get to choose who we love."

Those words stuck Rose right through her heart. He was being held by Brienne yet couldn't take his eyes away from Rose. Everything seemed like a daze had passed over the three until a man called out from the other side of the trees, startling all of them.

'Oh, wonderful.' Rose thought to herself as they had just barely managed to escape the last group of men.

"Where are you headed?" He called to them.

"South." The three replied together.

"Staying off the King's road are you?" Odd question to ask. He was eyeing all of them carefully.

"You can't win." Jaime called out jokingly to the elder man. He smiled lightly back.

"No, you can't. Looks like your safe though. Meaning no offense my Lady, but I wouldn't tangle with you. Seven blessings to you."

"And to you." Jaime called back. He turned quickly to face Brienne and Rose, thinking more of the old man and his comments.

"He knows who I am."

"He doesn't." Brienne didn't believe him but Rose knew he was right.

"I could see it in his eyes. He knew who Jaime was."

"He doesn't." Brienne tried to reassure them.

"And what if your wrong? What if he tells someone?"
Brienne got the hint Jaime was trying to subtly pass her.

"We're not doing it. He's an innocent man."

"More innocent than Lady Stark's daughters?" Jaime challenged Brienne.

Brienne never budged. She was too stubborn. Jaime tried pleading silently with Rose to try to get her to convince Brienne that he was right but there was little Rose could do. Brienne was the most stubborn woman, human, she had ever met. The three would just have to pray to the seven that he really didn't recognize Jaime Lannister.

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