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A month later
After what happened with Jessica the group tried to avoid her as best as they could but no matter what she always found a way to meet them.

During lunch
The four were sitting together as usual when all of a sudden Jessica grabbed Alex by the arm and dragged him into the hallway.
"What the fuck Jessica! What are you doing?"
"Look Alex your dad doesn't know you're Gay right?"
"He doesn't know. Why are you asking?" Alex furrowed his eyebrows.
"Well if you don't break up with Justin he might just find out"
"And what makes you think he'll believe you instead of his own son. Plus wheres your proof?"
"Oh I'm so glad you asked"
Jessica smirked.
She then took out her phone and showed Alex pictures of him and Justin holding hands, hugging and them kissing.
"You fucking creep. You've been taking pictures of us"
"Yup now break up with him or you'll dad will know and so will Bryce"
Alex's thoughts
'Oh no Bryce can definitely not find out about us.
'He's the reason why Tony and Clay had to transfer schools because he bullied them so bad for dating.'
'Also he's super homophobic and I have him for P.E.'
Alex felt tears run down his face.
"Fine I'll b-break up with h-him"
Jessica left to go talk to Bryce.
Alex wiped his tears and he cleared his throat.

As he sat down Justin asked,
"What was all of that about?"
"Did she hurt you?"
Hannah asked. 
"No she didn't hurt me and Justin I need to tell you something"
"Oh ok"
Alex and Justin stood up and went to the hallway.
"What do you think he's gonna tell him?" Zach asked.
"I don't know but it doesn't seem like it'll be anything good"
Hannah answered.
"So what'd you want to tell me, Alex?" Justin couldn't stop twiddling with his fingers.
"Justin, I'm b-breaking up with you"
Alex burst into tears and Justin felt a sharp pain in his heart.
"B-but why I thought we were doing fine. D-did I do something wrong? Please tell me why you're breaking up with me"
Justin started crying.
"N-no you didn't do anything w-wrong.
It was me I didn't f-feel the same
connection you did. I'm so s-sorry"
Alex ran out of the school crying even harder.
Justin knew something was wrong since there was no way Alex would dump him out of the blue especially after what happened at Monet's.
Justin ran to the cafeteria and grabbed Jessica by the arm and dragged her to the hallway.
"Jessica tell me what you fucking said to Alex now!"
Justin yelled.
"Me? I only said that if he didn't break up with you I would tell Bryce and his dad that he was gay and that you two were dating"
Justin felt his anger take over and he was about to hit Jessica but instead, he hit the wall and left a dent in it.
"Why would you do that? He was the only person who made me feel safe. Everyday in my house is sleeping on the floor or my mom and her boyfriend yelling about dumb shit or even my moms boyfriend hitting me while my mom just stares and does nothing to help me. You took away my only safe space"
Justin could feel tears run down his face and he felt his knuckle bleed.
That's when Jessica pulled him into a kiss but Justin pushed her away and she said
"You know if you date me maybe I can become your new safe space and your mom and her boyfriend won't find out that you're Gay. Because if they don't like you know imagine how they'll feel when they find out that you're a faggot and that you and Alex were dating"  Justin sighed.
"So what your saying is that if I don't date you you'll tell Bryce, my mom and her boyfriend and Alex's dad that were Gay and that we're dating"
"You mean that you were dating because remember he broke up with you"
Jessica smirked.
Justin then began laughing as more tears rolled down his face.
"You're funny Jessica but the day I date you is the day that hell freezes over" Justin walked out of the school.
"Awww Justin I really wished you would've just accepted my offer now your life will become hell and so will Alex's"
Jessica said to herself out loud.

There you go hoes next chapter is done
hope you enjoy lolol

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