Smile for the camera

179 11 4

~Milo's POV~

I see that the camera is recording, the red light, it's flashing straight at my face, mocking me, mocking us. I wiggle out of my sleeping lovers grasp, kissing him on the forehead then getting out from under the bed.

I get up more then pissed to then fall down, my back hurting caught me off guard but I can still manage to grab at the darn thing and rip it from under the bed...

There is a a cord attached to it, no that is a wire, it goes down in the ground!! I pick up my aching body as best I can limping outside, putting my soaked sneakers on, wincing at the feel of the wet fabric on my bare feet.I limp my way down the stairs to the end of them, I catch my breath, panting from my efforts, my ass still throbbing I do a 360 around the darn cabin and finally find the darn wire, I see the sun is setting, I take my rechargeable flashlight out from my pockets and limp my way, following it's path. I am really pissed off now, this camp is full of perverts,homophobes and child molesters! The rest are all stupid and ignorant, I really am pissed off. The sun starts disappearing.

"MILO!!" I hear someone call my name, I turn my flashlight off to see in the distance, they can not see me, my lover and Josh.

" Milo!!!" I hear them scream in unison. Sorry but I need to find the pervert who planted a camera in on our love making darling, I throw a pebble to my left, making some dead leaves crumble. They head that way as I make my escape continuing...why I don't tell them about this. Well I have a few reasons lol: 1. We are not supposed to be having sex and would be kicked out right away! 2. Darn Josh is with Marcus, what do you want me to do? 3. The longer this perv had access to the footage, the more damage he could do.

I keep following the black cord as the twilight becomes darker and darker and the cries for me become fainter. Eventually I can not hear Marcus an Josh at all and the night as officially decided to pay a visit in all it's obscurity. I am about to turn my flashlight on when a light turns on in the distance. I notice it is coming from what seems a home, I get closer and closer, glass windows everywhere. I hide in the bushes seeing the people inside quite clearly. There is Harold, no surprise on his laptop, seems to be downloading some kind of file that son of a ... Bitch. Literally, yes. By bitch I mean the man whom I have known to be my first guy, my rapper, the darn hellish camp director. I decide to spy on them.

So father f**king Micheal, excuse my french, comes in the living room, I suppose, he as two diet cokes, he puts them on the coffee table and sits his back facing me, in front of a big screen TV. I see Harold plug a cord from his computer to the big screen tv. Holy...

There it is, me and Marcus kissing right there! Darn it, I will be kicked out!! Not that I like this camp or anything but, I don't see my beloved anywhere else then here, sounds sad no? There is no one else like him for me, I feel tears run down my cheek. I look back into the living room where Harold sat down next to father Michael... What are they doing? Why watch on so long, I mean we obviously kissed so... I stand up a bit from my crouched position just as things were getting hotter on the screen with me and Marcus, good he was good looking, I was embarrassed at myself thought, sobbing like a baby then also looking so obviously lewd.

Why were they watching so far... Then I saw and realized, well duh! I started to realize where I was, in the middle of nowhere way to close to two darn perverts who where happily jerking of to my lover and I intimate relationship... How did they figure it out, where did we go wrong? I suddenly remembered this morning when I foolishly kissed him without realizing we could easily be caught, darn love really is blind! I felt a cool breeze caress my naked arm and go under my thin pj shirt, making me shiver as I looked around to that see total darkness had engulfed the sky.

I slowly decided to retreat as they both came, I winced, gross perverts! This was the time to go!! Really was! I snook away from the house crouching down and tried to get away without making to much noise, but I really could not see anything and when the house went dark, all my light disappeared. Should I turn my lamp on? I need to find that cord before they pull it back! It was my only way to find my way back to the safety of the old groggy cabin four, let alone getting the hell away from these sickos, I don't know how come Harold was still here after he had tried to rape me... No way! Does the camp director know, well of course he would't care, but why did they seem to know each other so well? Anyway, lovely to know they get along, but have some more urgent matters at hand in the moment I turned the lamp on and started looking for the black cord, I finally found it and sighed in relief... Goodness I was scared for a minute there!

Just when I thought I was safe, I heard a door creek open and footsteps head my way. I quickly turned the lamp off and threw it somewhere else so they would not suspect me being here, I then froze in the total darkness hearing the footsteps only get closer to where I was...

A light shone in my back, revealing my shadow on a bunch of leaves on the forest ground. I tensed feeling my heart speed up quickly as I was left with two choices, fight or flight.

Flight was the best one. Fight, lets just say two against one small kid is never a fair odd. But darn I couldn't see much, well either I tried or let myself get captured by two molesters that I had just seen jerking off to me letting me conclude they probably weren't going to be nice. I took my opportunity as the light shone the way for my escape I memorized the landscape swiftly and bolted ignoring my sore butt and praying for all the jogging sessions to pay off.

« Milo? Stop we aren't going to hurt you!, the voice made me shiver with fear and shame as my mind inevitably brought me back to that painful night.

I just ran faster also hearing the footsteps behind me get closer. My chest was already burning, I was gasping for air, praying not to hit a tree as I let the adrenaline push my limits.

The inevitable happened as they switched their lights off, everything turned dark, pitch black. I kept running and quickly collided with a tree making me bounce of it and fall hard on my back a tree branch stabbing me right in the shin, I felt blood fall chuckle down my feet quickly as I held back my tears as well as my gag reflex, the pain almost making me throw up. I stayed still I couldn't get up, not one bit, the pain revealing itself too much for me to handle I started sobbing. The lights turned back on and I froze in terror as two pairs of foot steps reached my now teary face, I saw the boots as the light shone over my body down to my leg revealing a piece of wood protruding from my right shin in a diagonal. I started crying harder as two large arms picked up my trembling body, making the wood move in my leg as I whimpered in agony, I was then carried against my will back to the house I had so desperately tried to escape from.


Hi yea so, poor Milo! That has to hurt! :S

Tell me what you thought of the chapter! What do you think will happen next?

See you next time!

~ Fluffyduffee

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