2:Meet Them

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"Naruto hurry up to get ready. We should meet someone" said sakura suddenly make the blonde boy groan "what kind of clothes that I need to wear?" asked naruto make sakura smirk "then wear this," said Sakura as she shown the clothes that naruto need to wear "hmm..it make me kind of change into different person," said naruto as he stares at sakura that just smiles at him "just change it," said sakura as she pulled him into the room.


Naruto walking with sakura like siblings but also as a couple "ah there are" said sakura as she runs into a restaurant while naruto he just sighs as he follows her. There he saw the Uchiha "hurry up naruto sit down" said sakura as naruto just follow it ignore they glared.

"So naruto you will stay with them start from now on because I have a family problem," said sakura make the blonde boy stares at him "because I am also Uchiha blood am I right?" asked naruto that shock sakura "h-how did you know?" asked sakura shock "Kurama already told me," said naruto cold as he stares at the menu.

"It good then when you got know..by the way I need to go to the toilet," said sakura as she excuses herself leave them alone. Naruto not even looks at them but keep staring at the cup in front of him while playing with those stickers that decorate over the cup.

"Tch..why must people like you need to enter my family," said Sasuke cold as he stares at naruto that gave a smirk on him "even I think like that too but cause my blood is 'yours' blood so I cannot ignore it. I should kill you from the start I guest" said naruto make Sasuke glared at them.

"Oi oi!! Stop glaring at each other we are here to take him" said shisui make the blonde boy look at outside rather glared at Sasuke that still glared at him. Sakura sits beside naruto after done with the toilet. "Well how are you agree with it?" asked Sakura as she stares at shisui that nodded.

"Okay tomorrow I will make sure naruto is pack all his thing also come to naruto apartment before 9..cause I need to leave on 10," said sakura as the food arrives.


They come back from the restaurants. Sakura and naruto safely arrive at their place. As soon as they arrive, sakura quickly packs his best friend clothes while naruto he packs all his thing before staring at the picture was he with Sasuke before they into fight each other. He doesn't even smile but slowly put it inside his bag as he saw sakura is done packing his clothes.

The next day...

Naruto still with his new action..while sakura she already knew that naruto will agree with her decision and will understand her situation with her family problem now.

Sasuke and Izuna already arrived in front of naruto house. Sakura saw them and gave a signal to them for waiting. They wait and wait..until naruto come out from his room with his bag.

Naruto is kind of different from himself before. His fashion is not the old one. The orange but a dark red colour and his hair that more golden than before.

Naruto hugs sakura before he follows the Uchiha.


They walking but in an awkward situation. Naruto doesn't even talk but makes a note on his hand use his chakra. For Sasuke through..naruto will annoy them for resting or eating but he does not know. The blonde boy becomes more quite and will eat when he wants to only.

Uchiha Palace

As soon as naruto get inside the palace. All the Uchiha siblings are in front of him while glaring at him but he doesn't even care and keep have a note on his hand. Sasuke doesn't want to do but he needs to as he starts attack naruto use his skill when he knocks down naruto but missed when suddenly he got a powerful punch from naruto.

All of them in silence as they watch them. "Sorry," said naruto cold as he watches Sasuke slowly get up as the black hair boy glaring at him use his Sharingan before attack naruto but stop when nine tail is appearing but it different.

The left eye is Sharingan while the right one is Kurama eye make they gasp. Naruto slowly opens his eyes as he staring coldly at Sasuke.

"I don't want to fight you but it seems like I need to?" said Naruto as he smirks and attack naruto but kusyina appear to make the blonde boy got to stop by her chakra.

"Am I told you to control the chakra or you dead?" asked kusyina as she slowly grabs naruto to her and looks deep inside his son's eyes. "Kusyina what-"shisui word got to stop by kusyina signal "shh...I don't want the fox to awaken so please quite" said kusyina as he gave Naruto to Minato that suddenly appear behind Obito before he takes his son to the room.


Kusyina gave a soft stare at them. "Naruto has the same birthday with Sasuke I think..." said kusyina as she saw Minato is coming back "the nine tail is still sleep," said Minato as he stares at Obito that glared at him.

Minato gave a signal to kusyina for explanation make the woman smile.
"Sakura doesn't have a family problem but she lied to naruto to bring him to you and for your information...even through you killing all of us but still we can see you by naruto body. Also, we also can kill you but seen your late mother is my best friend I cannot do anything but watching"explain kusyina make shisui smirk "tch..we already knew that"said shisui groan in lazy to hear kusyina.

Kushina dark side appear that make Minato and Obito in a gasp before both of them hide "seriously shisui why he makes it now?" asked Obito as he sighs the same as Minato.


"Well it seems like my work is easy," said Kushina suddenly make shisui curious before he got the most powerful punch from Kushina to make the boy groan in pain while the others in scared.

"It hurts," said Shisui then he saw Kushina glared make he gulped. "We don't watch you always because we are at heaven also..took care of my son," said kushina before gone while Minato he came out from the hiding and sigh before gave something to Izuna and also gone.

"His mother is a scary one," said Obito suddenly before saw this is healing up the beaten on his face. While Sasuke... he excuses himself to find naruto.

He's walking through the room.. slowly open the door and there he saw naruto is.

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