Sharks and Guppies

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( Chris' POV)

The name is Chris Sharson.

Sex: Male (obviously)

Age: 15

Date of Birth: May 1,1996

Nationality: French and  Persian

Place of Birth: California

Hair color: Dark brown hair

Eye Color:Light blue eyes

Height: 5'9

Weight: 129 pounds (All muscle baby ;))

Strongest Stroke: All of them!


'So what are going to do about those swim-outs?' Ty said

Ty Phoon ( ironic right?)  He was from China and was adopted by an old german couple, but he refussed to give up his name. He speaks fluent german, chinese, and english. Ty was for the lack of a better term just like your usual chinese person. ( A/N NO OFFENSE INTENDED)

We first met at a swim competetion when we were about eight years old. Believe it or not I was a cocky bastard even then. ( Yes, I admit it.) I was so good that I didn't even try anymore, I would easily lap everybody. Well not until another muscularly fit little chinese boy came to the lane next to mine. ' Fresh meat' I thought to myself. He some how knew what I was thinking becuase he just turned to look at me, gave me a stupid yet equally sinister smile.

I would be lieing if I said I wasn't a little......concerened. Note how I said a little bit.

We were doing a 200 hundred freestyle (A/N a 200 freestyle is eight laps.)


An old man had said. It was my heat, I had to push all my anxiety away, I would win. I always do.


I bend down to the 'track position', and I just notice from the corner of my eye that the chinese boy next to me wasn't bending over. Just standing on the block. What an idiot. No, stay focused. Focused. It's just me, the water, my race.


And I fly off the block, but not only was the chinese boy flew right passed me he easily was ahead of me in no time. The first two laps went down with him in the lead, the next two laps I was in the lead the next two laps he was first, and for the last two laps I lost, by a millesecond.

Now you may be thinking, ' Dude, seriously a millesecond?' But in swimming a millesecond is what makes you or breaks you. And after that race, the chinese boy which I later found out his name was Ty he earned my respect, and we became friends ever since.

Ty was the middle-way, find your own peace, Quaker-kind of personality. He didn't like violence ( why he quit the karate team), he was tri-lingual ( why he was probably the smartest kid in the whole school), and god-knows what else he is capable of! But there's always a little darkness to the light. But if I turned on the T.V and I saw that this kid was the president, I can honestly say that I wouldn't be surprised.

Ty evidently just liked to be in second place. It isn't becuase he doesn't try. But I think it's because he knows how much I love swimming, and Ty doesn't have the same amount of love that I do. Without swimmming I'm nothing.

Swimming is my life. Literally.

'So what do you think of that girl?' Ty asked me.

'She won't last.' I scoffed and I left the pool, and went to find my car. I have my learner's permit and that's good enough right?

'We're already late to school, why don't we just skip?' Ty said

Oh, I did mention Ty had a dark side right? Hey! Don't be too suprised, no ones perfect.

'Good point man, I'd rather get out our uniforms and just go eat or something.'

'Sounds like a plan to me.'

I drove, but I drifted off and I couldn't help but remeber about Andrea Mizuko and how her time was good, really good. She beat all the girls in her division. She was the same age as me, anything else I don't really know since I don't know her personally, but there was news that a girl would be swimming in the boys division, and from her performance. She's good. Really good, well I'll just have to fix that.

NO one will get in the way of my dreams.

Not even a girl!

Watch out little guppie.


Well well well guess who is back!!

I PROMISE that I 'll update more regularly, more or less >-< don't blame me



SOOooOoOOOo What do you guys think?!??!?!??!

I have the next chapter done!!

So here's the deal I at least have to have::

1 new fan!!



For me to update the next chapter!! ( 2 much?!? Oh, well Let me dream!!)





i love you all!!

From my fish bowl on Cloud 9



The Swim Champ (~~NOW GOING~~)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ