Chapter Four The Date

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Michael sent his car for Sunshine and brought her to his Neverland Ranch. He had it all arranged for them. Lunch on the patio set in a romantic setting with a view of the lake and water fall off in the background. Soft music to set the mood and Sunshine’s favorite foods from when they were children. A soft smile touches Michael’s lips.  Michael heard his limousine approach and he was suddenly so nervous. Licking his lips and sticking his hands in his pockets.

Maria; He’s right there on the patio waiting for you Ms Sunshine. smiling

Sunshine; smiling at the fact she knew her name. Michael? She calls as she heads out to the patio. There you are.

Michael; steels his nerves and turns smiling. Sunshine!! Walking over to her hugging her. I am so glad you came. You look amazing. So beautiful.

Sunshine; Smiling and blushing at his flattery. Oh Michael stop! You know I’m not any of that. I’ve seen the girls you have dated. Wow!! Me? Psst. I’m just plain Jane Sunshine from Gary Indiana.

Michael; Oh Sun, trust me, You are far from plain Jane and you are sexy and beautiful. Then and now. I just. Well, I just never told you so then. I was scared to break your heart knowing Joseph’s plans to leave Gary. I didn’t want to say I love you and goodbye never knowing if I’d see you again. That wasn’t fair. But the last week. I did tell you I love you and I meant it. We are a long way from Gary though, you know. Looking down. Taking a deep breath. Come, let’s eat. He regains his smile and helps to seat her like a real gentlemen.

Sunshine: Smiles but remembers every word they said in the days leading up to Michael leaving Gary Indiana and her life forever.  It’s okay Michael. I will always love you. Now let’s enjoy this food. It looks so delicious and I am surprised happily you remembered.  Biting her lip looking at Michael and smiling who giggled in return.

Michael and Sunshine laughed about the things they use to do and then about their lives since. Places they went and people they met and knew. Michael sat and listened while Sunshine explained about her life and her failed relationship. Michael immediately wanted to comfort her and put his arm around her as she had done when they were children. Michael wiped her tears when she told him of how John had beat her so badly. He hurt so deeply for her and wished for the billionth time he had come back for her like he said he would. It was his fault he felt because he didn’t keep his word. This hurt his heart deeply.

Michael told Sunshine about all he had seen and done. They places he has been and all the children he has seen. Michael said he wished he could gather them all up in his arms and love them and protect them. Tell them their pain is over or that they are loved and have a home with him always. Michael told Sunshine about his girlfriends which truly were only two contrary to what the world thinks. The others were just friends and what he called cuddle buddies. Friends that were fun to hang out with and just be silly, be free to be just Brooke and Michael or Tatum and Michael.

Finally, Michael spoke of Neverland and his eyes lit up. Sunshine saw how happy he was and listened with complete interest and happiness because she knew this was dream they lived and wanted from childhood. Michael told Sunshine he would show her around after they ate. Both fell into their comfortable camaraderie and were at ease to talk about anything and everything and be silly and laugh at the way they were so nervous and unsure about today.

Michael; Come on. Reaching for Sunshine’s hand, they got up and walked the paths of Neverland.

Sunshine; Gasping His is so.. so.. Gorgeous. Breathtaking… I’m.. I’m truly speechless. Her eyes were shinning in wonderment and Michael was smiling with pride at her reactions.

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