Chapter Two; Michael's Sunshine.

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Michael: I’ll be right back Frank. I just want to take a look at this Art Studio I love the name..”Star of Neverland Art” Just give me two hours alright? Please He gets out of the SUV and goes inside.

Frank: Michael 3 hours that’s all we can spare you have that photo shoot for OK Magazine!!

Michael; I have to meet with Tony too!!

Frank; Not today you don’t you don’t have time

Michael: Frank? I’ll make time! Now leave it be!! Walks into the art studio

The bells over the doors chime and Michael goes inside. Looking around he sees so many drawings that spark a wisp of a memory. But he isn’t sure if it’s real or not. Yet, they are strangely familiar. Michael looks around at more and he sees a painting of Peter Pan and him Peter Pan is sitting on his arm and he’s looking at him with a side view of his profile. He can’t believe it. The likeness is amazing. Michael wants to buy this one and he looks for a sales representative so he can. Looking at the painting stirs a memory and a soft smile comes to his face as he rubs his arm where his Neverland Star is. Sunshine. Awww there is a name he had not thought of in a while he thinks and is very curious to know where she is and what she is doing. The star on his arm reminds him but he’s been so busy with the music and personal appearances he had not even paid attention to the tattoo. Now in this art studio all the memories of her come flooding in. The laughter and the tears they shared in Gary. That seems like a million years ago. Shaking his head, he turns to look for assistance.

Michael; Excuse me Ms. but I’d really like to buy this drawing and these three over here.

Sales Girl; Smiling brightly. Well, okay I will take care of that for you.

Michael: Do you know who did them? I can’t quite make out the name and I really would like to have more of this artist work. They are really quite exquisite pieces.

Sales Girl; Oh, These were done by the owner of the studio. She smiles.

Michael; Smiling, And that is?

Sales Girl: Giggling, I’m sorry. The owners name is Sunshine Peters

Michael kept his smile but he felt as if his stomach had been punched hard. It was all he could do to keep from doubling over .

Michael; Well, I’d really like to see more of his work. Is it possible that I can maybe arrange to meet with her sometime about her work?

Sales Girl; Sure. Hang on..Sun!! The girl went to go get her. Turning to Michael, I’ll be right back Mr. Jackson. And she walked away out of sight.

A few minutes later he could hear footsteps approach and he froze. Michael wanted o see her but he was scared. The last time they had seen each other his skin had not started the pigmentation deficiency yet. Closing his eyes a moment he turned to face the women. Michael was overwhelmed by so many emotions and memories. His heart skipped a bet his pulse raced and he was fighting back tears. It is her, it is his Sunshine!!!

Sunshine looked at Michael and all their childhood memories came flooding back. All the fun, the love and the tears came back. She instinctively put her hand to her arm over the Neverland Star as she did every time she thought of Michael or painted and drew something from their childhood.

Sunshine; Michael, how have you been? It’s been such a long time.

Sales girl. You know him Sun?

Michael; Yes, it has. Giggling nervously. How are you?

The two stepped forward to hug each other. It was as if the 7 years they had been apart melted away and they both were14 again instead of 21. Michael hugged her so tight and just inhaled all the scents that were his Sunshine. They promised to stay in touch and he didn’t. She wrote several letters but he never wrote back. Now, she’s here in his arms. He didn’t ever want to let her go again. Sunshine inhaled deeply all the scents that were Michael and she remembered ever scent was Michael specifically. Made her head spin but in a good way. They both smiled and the sales girl couldn’t keep him mouth from flying open.

Sunshine. Sally please wrap up Michael’s purchases and bring them to my office. She smiled

Sally (sales girl):  Sure Sun. She picked up all of Michael’s purchases and took them to the offce.

Michael; Gosh, I can’t get over how good you look. It’s so good to see you. he smiled happily.

Sunshine. You too. I should be mad you never answered my letters but I know you get so many and it’s hard to reply but Michael, you were my best friend. You know more about me than anyone ever has or will. That’s the part that hurts.

Michael; Looking down. I..I know and I’m sorry Sunshine. I really am. I wanted to write to you but I didn’t want you to think, I was flaunting everything in your face. You are my best friend and I will always love you. I couldn’t do that to you so I thought silence was best.

Sunshine: Well, it wasn’t but it’s over now. We hare adults you have your wife and kids and family now I am sure and I have my studio so We are where we wanted to be. Smiling

Michael; Sun, I’m not married nor do I have children. Right now, I’m rarely home, how could I ever have a wife or girl and then leave them for 16 months or more each time. It would be very unfair of me. Sure I have dated but the married is way off.

Sunshine: Butterflies began to swim in her stomach, something that in the past as children never happened. They seen each other naked because they had been friends that long then. They seen each other at their most raw.

Michael, would you like to have lunch with me next week?

Sunshine: Umm. Okay sure. I’d like that. Next week when>

Michael; Friday?

Sunshine; Pulling out a pocket the calendar, she checks her schedules. Nothing scheduled so now the day is yours. She smiles

Michael smiles; Great! You’ll see, we will have so much fun. Gosh, I can’t believe it. You really did it. I know we spoke it you being an artist but we spoke of so much I am really happy you got your dream. Your work is exquisite. Michael smiles again broadly showing a big white smile

Sunshine; remembering that smile is again thrown back in time. Thank you Michael.

Michael picks up his purchases and leave. He’s happy he had found her again. Michael though he lost her in Gary years ago.

Michael leaves the art studio and heads to his waiting SUV. Fans had gathered and she he was rushed there. He told his driver to take him to Tony Moran’s house.

Driver; Mr, Jackson sir. I..I was instructed by Mr. Dileo to go straight to the photo shoot.

Michael sighing. Well I am changing it. Please take me to Tony’s house. I won’t be there but a few moments.

Driver; Yes Mr. Jackson; The car raced to Tony’s house.

Michael got out of he SUV upon arrival. Walked straight into the house to see Tony.

Tony: Michael; You made it. Listen I know you have the photo shoot today but afterwards can you help me move some old tapestries and rugs to a storage facility. I don’t trust anyone but you to know where it is. You are my truest friend. You saved me and then I saved you so now we are brothers for life. Smiling 

Michaell Giggling Sure Tony it may be late but I’ll come and help you.

Tony; Thank you Michael. What Tony neglected to say was there were dead bodies in them to hide them until his men could ditch them too..

Michael; I’ll see you. I better go. You know how Frank can get.

Tony; I know but it’s okay. We are cool!  They said goodbye and Michael left for photo shoot.

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