Chapter forty four

Start from the beginning

"They said you admitted it." She continued, calming her voice slightly.

"Then why even come here?" Klaus retorted, his gaze narrowing to the bewildered blonde.

"To see for yourself, morbid curiosity? A new piece of the puzzle in your long standing analysis of the immortal bastard?" He roared, striding closer to the oconnell.

"Because I know you didn't do it!" Ava yelled back, matching his steps as she glared toward him.

"If I tell you who I am, and you refuse to believe me, then I can hardly be blamed for your disappointment." The hybrid retorted, each syllable violent and harsh.

"I wish I did believe Niklaus!" Ava volleyed back, scoffing at his paranoid tendencies.

"And you know what? Maybe you were right, maybe about everything. Even freya. Maybe she is out to get you, like everyone bloody else. Maybe I do believe you murdered a boy in cold blood, after all that is who you are isn't it? The big bad hybrid." Avas tone was cold as she reached the last sentence. The two were merely apart yet at the same time felt as if an ocean brandished itself between them.

"But do you know what else Freya didn't do? She didn't just kill Aidan." Her gaze had glassed over and instead her eyes were covered in an icy blue. All sense of emotion had drained from her face.

"And neither did I!" Klaus yelled, turning and storming toward the staircase.

"Then why lie! why let everyone believe you killed him? Turn everyone against you!" Ava yelled at his retreating figure, forcing it to halt and turn once again.

"If I have spilled Crescent blood, then Hayley will be forced to question her pack's loyalty to Hope, and she will not run." The hybrid declared, his face void of emotion.

"But if they can't protect her? Than who..." Ava began her voice levelling in anger.

"Only I can save her, and I need them to fear me!" Klaus interrupted the blonde, spitting as the anger pulsed through each word.

"Am I supposed to fear you, Niklaus?" Ava asked quietly, her eyebrow quirked as she awaited an arrogant response.

"It would be better for you if you did, for you to believe I am the monster they would paint me as. To sever all ties to the man who would kill any one who crossed him." Ava was speechless momentarily, taken aback by his response as he began to back away once again.

"Would you kill me? If I crossed you." She retorted to his statement, anger pulsating through her veins.

"Maybe if I tell you I would, you would leave and forget me. And then one day when all of this was past, I might find you and profess my innocence, and because you are you, you would believe me, and we would pass a perfect afternoon in a corner cafe together. And I would wish for nothing more." Klaus' tone morphed to soothe the young girl, a hand on her cheek and his eyes attached to hers.

"A better man would protect you with that lie, but I am not that man... And so I leave you with the burden of a truth that no one will believe." His hand fell as soon as he began to speak again, the monotonous tone back in his voice.

And he left Ava standing in the middle of the compound, angry and determined to to change his mind.


The oconnell waited a bit before storming up to the secluded room. She knew to give him space, yet something had enticed her to attempt one last time to force him to see reality.

"You really like pushing people away don't you? Well why don't you get over your..." Ava called as she headed into the room, unaware of what was taking place.

She froze as she saw the man in the suit holding a limp hybrid as a knife plunged into his chest. Klaus' gaze matched hers as the desiccated grey tone submerged from his skin.

It was the ice cold feeling that spread through her body as she watched his consciousness fade, that had pulled her out of her trance.

"What the hell are you doing?" She yelled  as she sprinted toward them. Elijah sighed as Rebekah appeared and restrained the blonde.

"He killed Aidan, Avangaline." Rebekah explained as she struggled to withhold the oconnell with her witchy strength.

"He did not!" Ava retorted through pained breaths, attempting to withdraw from her hold.

"Undagger him Elijah! Undagger him before I dagger you!" She continued to argue, thrashing her weight against Rebekah as klaus' body lay limp in Elijahs arms.

"I hardly think, you- a human -can put down an original." A new voice sounded from the background.
Freya mikaelson.

"You're forgetting, I'm an O'Connell. I carry dark objects in my bag." Ava snapped, her glare intensifying at the blonde she did not like.

"Oh, could you stop bloody fidgeting!" Rebekah complained, readjusting her grip on the constantly moving oconnell.

"Will you stop betraying Niklaus!" Ava responded coldly, immediately feeling the loss of the grip on her arms.

"I have not betrayed my brother." Rebekah shot back in a similar tone, staring at the blonde who glared at each individual.

"I don't see daggering him as helping, Rebekah!" Ava declared, her hand pointing back to the lifeless man she had loved.

As soon as the oconnell took a step toward him, a sickening crack sounded in the air and Ava was sent to darkness. As her body fell to the floor, the two who knew her shot Freya a disconcerting look.

"I simply linked her to Niklaus. Now she can not jeopardise the plan."



I am so sorry for my crappy update schedule. I couldn't update on my holiday, which was two weeks long and I thought the Internet would be better.

I don't want to bore you so I'm going to cut the note short.

Shout outs are still now only focused on the last comment section.

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Sorry for any mistakes,

Thank you for reading,

Goodbye x

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