Twenty Two | Until Death Do Us Apart

Start from the beginning

"Mark... you're alive." She smiled. "Thank Arceus..."

However, her smile soon dropped into a frown when she saw Mark's regretful grey eyes. The two dropped their hands, all the while a sorrowful atmosphere began to form around them.

"I'm so sorry, Layla." He sighed regretfully. "But... I'm afraid I don't have much time left."

All hope was shattered at his words once they rang through Layla's ears. She couldn't believe what she heard. Mark was awake and if help arrived soon, he would be saved. At least, that's what she thought. But the moment he sealed the deal with Fabian, his death would have been inevitable.

"Why is fate so cruel to us?" she asked, more tears filling her sapphire blue eyes.

"I don't know," Mark answered truthfully. "But... maybe this is a sign for me. Maybe this is Arceus's way of punishing me for my past sins."

"Don't say that!" Layla cried sadly. "You did nothing wrong! I knew what I was getting myself into, but I was willing to take the risk because I love you!"

The dark haired man frowned from both the physical and mental pain. He knew that what Layla said was the truth; she willingly came to him because she loved him. He knew falling for someone like her was a mistake, but he never brought himself to regret it. If it hadn't come to this, he would've happily married her and start a family together. Maybe, if he met her in another life, none of this would had happened.

He was a greedy thief.

She was the jewel he couldn't have.

It just couldn't have worked out without one disappearing, forever lost.

Even if Mark did change for the better, it didn't change the things he did in the past. He didn't want to put the woman he loved so dearly in danger. He didn't want her to risk both their lives to be with her. He didn't want to fall in love with her.

But you just couldn't help how you felt.

"Layla," Mark whispered her name, staring at her slightly blurry face. "I didn't want any of this. I never wanted you to be in danger because of me. I... I didn't want to fall in love, but I couldn't help it. I knew you'd be an easy target, but I couldn't stop falling in love with you."

The dark haired man removed his gaze from Layla and looked up at the night sky. It was dark, almost pitch black. He could have sworn he saw the hooded figure of Death reaching for his soul, but he couldn't tell. All he knew was that time was running out.

"Maybe if we met in a different life, we could have lived happily together. We could have gotten married together, had children of our own, and raise them. Sadly... we can't choose the lives we are given, but love does choose who we're meant to be with."

Layla was at a loss for words. As a child, she had always read fairy tales that ended with the prince and the maiden falling in love, getting married, and living happily ever after. Since then, she had always yearned for that kind of love, a love that would forever live on no matter how far apart they may be, how wealthy or poor they may be, or what actions they may commit. All that mattered was the kind of person they were. Layla acquired that love she longed for when she met Mark and it certainly was like a dream come true.

But now, after all that's happened, it seemed as though the love she had wanted for so long would be taken away once and for all. Death was unforgiving; it made no exceptions to any one. Layla sighed sadly, wiping away tears that lingered in her eyes with the back of her hand. She agreed that if they met in another life, things would have been different. But that's not how it works, much to her dismay. Mark was one minute closer to death, and that was proof enough of her theory.

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