Damn. Their smart...

"Can you find who took them." My facial expressions soften making my men worried. If any mafia boss is worried or at least concern.

That means bad news. And the moon of my life is missing!!!! The hell of course I'll be worried!

"Diego! We got something!"

Running to my men with the computer, they showed me a footage of a CCTV in the hospital.

Some men and... XAVIER!

Oh his so dead when I-

"Boss look." One men snapped me out of my thoughts. I snarl at the CCTV and glared at it like it's really him.

They started to find Megan after they shot everyone. Coming to her ward, they found out the panic room and started to dig. But because of the ceiling, it took some time.

Finally after digging, one men jumped in and soon something happened. Suddenly everyone jumped, But I don't know what.

Another men jumped in and dragged one body out. It was the first men that went in.

Roughly, the second men pulled Megan out and slung her over his shoulders. As she was hitting and punching the guys back.

Xavier rolled his eyes and signal someone to inject her with something.

Soon Megan fell limp so I'm guessing a sleeping serum.

They left and that's it.

"So now we know." Will sighed.

"Tell my parents that I found them."

Dad went home after mom called him saying Bella fainted.

God everything is going wrong!!

"Bro. Chill. We'll find her. For now. Let's start tracking. You need to go and shake some sense into Bella. Please." He looked at me begging-ly.

"Fine. I'll go back to her. But promise me you'd find meg."

Nodding, I reluctantly drove home and wishing nothing will harm my Moon....
Megan's POV

Groaning, I tried to open my eyes and open my mouth.

But soon I found out that my mouth is covered with a really dirty cloth. So I'm going to shut up.

We are moving in a van like the scooby dooby van. So I'm all the way at the back with plenty of space.

Feeling my hands. Their tied in front of me which is the first mistake ever.

My legs were free. Second mistake.

Again I tried to open my eyes. Darkness came but with only a little light so it's around... 6pm? I don't know.

Right now I am tried, sore, bruised, itchy, smelly, annoyed and angry.

This is stupid.

Falling for Mr MafiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora