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I waited every night by the clearing that Paisley said we would meet up. She hadn't shown up for over a month now. I started to get worried. As I went to bed early I just laid down and closed my eyes.

Cross-blood Aries and Virgo
"What is this place" I called out into the darkness.

I felt something touch my arm. I turned around and there stood Paisley.

"Paisley, where have you been." I called to her

Light flashed and there stood blaze beside her. He leaned down and kissed her. I heard her mumble

"Blaze I love you."

"Paisley, I love you" I whispered. I felt the sadness cover me like a blanket.

I woke with a start. I noticed that it was a few minutes till midnight. I decided to get out and go toward the meeting place. As I reached the clearing there was no sign of paisley. I felt my heart sink. What even happened to her. What if she was hurt. I decided that one day I would try and met up with her. As I walked back to my camp I saw a rock. It was black with a white ring around it. I remembered reading something about it.

Wishing rocks
Any colour of a rock with a full white band around it is known as a wishing stone or wishing rock. Most people will pick them up and put them in a special places. Many people will write down their wishes on a piece of paper then throw it in a place that no one can find it.

I picked up the rock and slipped it into my pocket. I slipped into the camp past the cows pen and into my cabin. I opened the door and turned on my lights. I looked at the pictures of me and all my friends on our cows, preparing for battle. That was the battle that I met Paisley in.......

I turned over and shut off the lights I fell into a light sleep.

I was wading through a bunch of bushes looking for paisley. I finally saw her. As I came out of the bush she turned. She starred right at me.

"I love you" she said

"I love you too." I said

"Blaze you are the best partner ever." With that my heart broke.

I turned around and there stood blaze. He wasn't much bigger than I was but he was an Aries so I knew that even if I wanted to I could not beat him.

I woke to the bell for breakfast. I walked out of my cabin and into the café that me and my friends met up at everyday for food. As I sat down I saw petal and Oakley come in. They both smiled and waved at me, then came and sat down. Shortly after Dust, wind and sparrow came in.

"So Spirit have you found a girl yet?" Sparrow asked. He smiled at me.

"Not yet.." I laughed

"Oh you will find someone." Giggled Wind as she leaned up against Sparrow.

"Ya Spirit you will find someone just like I found Oakley." Exclaimed Petal.

"Spirit why has it taken you so long to find someone?" Asked Dust, she cocked her head so her blonde hair fell to one side.

"I don't fully know, all I know is that I will find the right person at the right time." I told them.

"YA Spirit you will find an amazing partner." They all said in union.

We all ordered our food and talked about battles, we talked about things in our camp. As we finished up our food and said our good byes, I turned toward the gates of my camp. I walk out of the camp and toward the Aries camp. As I reached the border I heard voices so I hid in a bush. I saw Paisley come out, she looked bigger than before. Blaze came out right behind her.

"Paisley you really shouldn't be out anymore it's so close to your due date." Blaze told her.

"Blaze I don't wanna go in thou I love it out here in this forest." She told him.

"Paisley darling I don't want you to give birth in this forest lets go back home."

"Okay." She leaned up next to him and they walked back toward the Aries camp.

I felt my heart break. She was pregnant with blazes baby, and I wished that the baby was mine and hers but I know that it was impossible because I guess she is now with blaze. I just wish that she would have told me that she was over me. I turned and walked back to my camp. I went straight into my cabin and sat down on the side of my bed.

"Battle?" The darkness asked me.
"What do you mean" I asked it.
"You don't like him do you?" It asked
"Well sorta, he took Paisley away from me and they are having a baby together." I told it.
"I will try to talk to all the leaders and make a huge battle, you can get revenge." I could feel the darkness smile at me even thou there was nothing really even there.
"Good." I whispered.

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