Little Aries

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As I watched him leave I felt my heart twist with sadness. I didn't want him to leave me. I rode with firebug with the wind in my hair into my camp. I put her away as quickly as possible. And snuck back into my cabin and slept only for a few hours. I woke up to the sound of everyone preparing for battle. I jumped out of bed and ran into the cluster of my friends. I felt someone grab my wrist, I looked over and there stood Blaze. He tugged my wrist just the slightest bit. I followed him out of the crowd and into a corner.

"Hi?" I didn't know what he wanted

"Paisley I really need to talk to you." His eyes were pleading

"Fine just quickly tell me cause we are about to go off into battle."

"Paisley, I like you, I like you more than a friend and soon we need to find partners..... And I was wondering if you would be my partner?" I knew it was coming but still I was shocked. I didn't know what to do..

"Ummmmm......" I bolted and jumped up onto firebug and galloped out of the camp.

I knew that is something that I shouldn't have done. But I couldn't say no to him. He is my friend and the problem is that I see him as only my friend. I knew it was bad to run out on him but I like Spirit not Blaze........

I knew that it was wrong to love Spirit, I knew that I should love some one from my own group, or at least from the same element. I knew that I shouldn't like someone who is an enemy of the Aries, but I couldn't shake my feelings away, and I believe that I most likely never will.

I followed the group we were heading towards Virgo territory. I felt a pang in my heart, what if I got into battle and I had to fight Spirit? I heard our own battle cry, I heard the whistle of the virgo's and saw them come barreling out of their camp. I knew I couldn't fight...... I went to go turn around but behind us were Capricorn's. We were in a tough situation. I turned firebug around to face the incoming capricorns. Firebug smashed into a small Capricorn. The small Capricorn fell onto the ground with a big thump. I felt bad so I jumped firebug over her and tried to head back to camp. But a few big Capricorn guys jumped in front of me. Their sea goats where huge, they flicked their fish tail back and forth and started to drive me towards the Virgo's camp. I tried to push firebug towards them but one of the big male sea goats slapped firebug across the head with his huge tail. I knew this wasn't going well. I tuned to look around and I saw Blaze on his sheep come running towards me. His sheep flung its self at the biggest of the Capricorns.

The Capricorn fell off of his sea goat. And the others turned to look at blaze. Blaze looked over at me and started to run away I kicked firebug to get her running. I followed blaze through a group of fighting Aries, Capricorns and Virgos. I looked around trying to find Spirit, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and firebug crashed into a Virgo. I got flung off of her and hit the ground hard. I tried to get up but my head was spinning. I looked to the side and saw firebug laying on the ground totally still..............

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