BONUS CHAPTER: Pop! Goes the...Weasel (Scar's POV)

Start from the beginning

"Mind telling me what a pretty little thing like you is doing hanging out at a place like this?" I asked, my tone condescending. I could see the fire light in her eyes as the fury took over her features.

"I don't owe you fuck all, jackass! And my name is Evangeline, not little thing! Now let me go!" She spat. I clenched my jaw in annoyance, trying to decide if this chick was actually worth the time I was putting into the whole ordeal or not. I could see the attack coming before she even moved. She had that look in her eyes. Hopeful, but doubtful at the same time. She brought her knee up, aiming just below my navel and in between my thighs. My hand shot down and I dug my fingers into her lower thigh, the corner of my mouth pulled into a smile as she whimpered loudly in pain. Serves the fucking cunt right I thought to myself before taking into account how soft her skin was.

"Stop! That hurts!" She finally shrieked out as I tightened my hold, more than a little unimpressed with her dirty attempt at self-defense. Fucking cheap shot.

"Have you learned your lesson about talking back yet, baby? Or do you need to find out why they really call me Scar?" I taunted before laughing darkly as I slightly eased up my hold on her. She huffed in annoyance as I watched a niggling look of fear swept over her face before it disappeared seconds later. She seemed to give up at making an attempt to get away as she just laid still against the brick, resigned to whatever I wanted to do to her. I will admit, her surrender interested the hell out of me. I expected her to put up a much longer fight than that.

"Are you going to answer my question?" I asked expectantly. She continued her blank stare. "I'm fucking talking to you." I growled out, my irritation with her only growing further. "What? Rich bitch like you too good to talk to me?" I sneered, expected her to fire an insult right back. I raised my eyebrow when she remained impassive. "What? No more attempts to get away? You really that fucking weak, baby?" I taunted. Nothing again.

I couldn't figure out why I was still out here wasting my time with the stupid bitch in front of me. Hell, I couldn't figure out why the fuck I'd decided to start messing with her in the first place. With one glance, I could tell she wasn't my type. That's only partly a lie I thought to myself as my gaze fluttered down to her tits that were visible through the criss cross top of her dress. I didn't usually go for blondes. My type was more dark haired dark eyed edgy chicks that spread their legs with a single heated look. Clearly not the case here. So why the fuck won't I just cut my losses and call titty up? I had no doubt she'd let me come over and fuck her tonight, but there was something in the back of my head telling me that a girl who did nothing but lay there and didn't...contribute at all while I did all the work wasn't going to be satisfying. No, not tonight at least.

What I apparently wanted was this chick. I could tell she would be fucking wild in the sack. If only I could just get her to shut the fuck up and agree to come home with me...

"I know how to make little girls like you squeal. I didn't want to have to resort to this, but I will if I have to." I growled after making up my mind on where I intended my night to go. I watched her swallow harshly as I leaned in even closer to her. I could tell I caught her off guard when I started peppering her neck with open mouthed kisses. I smirked with triumph as I heard her soft gasp as I continued my assault on her neck. Without thinking twice, I placed my hands on her wide hips and dug my fingers into her flesh through the thick material of her dress.

I could practically hear the internal battle she was having with herself as I saw her bite her lower lip as the quietest of moans squeaked out when I reached the most sensitive spot on the other side of her neck. She clutched onto my forearms, still struggling to keep quiet as she probably already caught on to exactly what it was I was after.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now