Meeting the Rookie 9

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"Hmm, it seems like this little shrimp doesn't like the Uchiha, huh?" Nao says, throwing an arm around Naruto's shoulder, she then beams, "Hey look, Kabuto-nii! Someone is finally shorter than me! I finally found someone!" Nao squeals and hugs Naruto, who stands awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"Okay Nao-chan, calm down and let the poor boy go," Kabuto says with a faint chuckles, sending Nao a meaningful look. Nao pouts but lets go of Naruto.

"Hey, I am sorry,  but I have never found anyone shorter than me before- as you could see my excitement," Nao apologizes, scratching the back of her neck, chuckling nervously.

"It's fine! Believe it! " Naruto says,  a little blush dusting his cheeks.

"... soo how old are you, Naruto?" Nao asks, vaguely aware that Kabuto had pulled out his ninja info cards and was showing it to the other rookies.

"...Thirteen. "

"Eh!? I was excited because I was taller than a thirteen year old!? Wait- how old is the Uchiha and Strawberry!?" Nao asks pointing at the blonde's two teammates.

"They are the same age," Naruto says, confused.

Nao anime falls, anime tears going down her cheeks, "Why is everyone always so much taller than me!?"

"Eh!? Nao-chan, are you alright? What's wrong?" Naruto asks, patting the other genin's back, confused why she would be acting this way.

"It's cause everyone is taller than me!"

"Huh!? But I am shorter than you?" Naruto says, brows furrowed in confusion.

"But you are thirteen!"

"Eh!? What does that have to do with anything?"

"It's cause I am fifteen, and a thriteen year old is almost taller than me!" Nao hugs Naruto, crying dramatically into Naruto's shoulder who just pats her back awkwardly.

Kabuto sighs and lays a hand ontop of Naruto's shoulder, the one that Nao wasn't currently crying a river in, "Gomen ' nasai Naruto-san, sumimasen (excuse) my imouto," Kabuto says he pulls Nao off of Naruto and wacks the back of her head.

"Hey!" she yells in protest.

"Even during a serious mission, it seems as if you cannot but help being yourself, huh?" Kabuto mutters under his breath which Nao responds to with a hearty laugh and a 'believe it!' Kabuto was confused of where Nao had gotten the phrase from and she explains that it was Naruto's catchphrase and she was just trying it out.

Both Kabuto and Nao siffen, sensing the Otogakure Ninjas comeing their way, "Remember the mission," Kabuto quickly mutters before dodging from a punch, unaware that it wasn't supposed to be a physical hit but a hit with sound. Kabuto's glasses break and he throws up blood.

"Hey! You leave Kabuto-nii alone!" Nao yells- her bubbly and happy aura gone. She appears, much to everyone's suprise and hits the Otogakure Ninja that threw the punch in the face, he goes flying back and hits the wall from the other side of the room.

"Pipe down you baby faced delinquents and listen up! Those of you that are fighting quit it before you are disqualified from the exams," A Jounin yells, transporting into the room..

"Oops?" Nao responds not really knowing what else to say.

"I am Morino Ibiki, and I will be your first proctor for this written test," the Jounin says with finality (I know, I know, finality isn't a word.... but now it is!)

"Written test!?" Naruto and Nao exclaims in shock and panic. They look at each other, shocked by their identical reactions.

"Well Naruto-kun, it seems like we have alot alike!" Nao says, and both of them bursts out laughing.


Nao stares at the paper in front of her, in pure dismay and shock... Sure she knew that she was already above genin level and all, closer to jounin... but the problem was- she knew she could not possibly answer them, that's what Kabuto was for, he was the brains and the reasonable while Nao was the childish one and the one to eagerly fight. Sure the two wasn't like that before, but when they met Orochimaru they seemed to have switched personalities.

Kabuto always having to be alert and Nao, finally feeling relaxed- full heartedly trust Orochimaru with her life... He seemed almost like a father figure to her... almost.

Nao groans staring at the paper again, she knows the point of the test is to cheat, but the question is how.


Me: Okay! Sorry for not updating this for like a month, but since I wasn't getting that much feedback on it, then school testing and yada, yada, yada... ya know! And sorry for just skipping about three years! I think maybe that I'll put in some flashbacks.... maybe, I kinda hate flashbacks though... soo I dunno. And I'm sorry if the characters are too OOC...

Naruto: Yeah, yeah we know.

Me: Yup, soo I would like to thank-

Neji: Because of destiny, Tuga-san would like to thank AnimeAbi for giving her support and for actually voting! So this is dedicated to-

Me: Hey! Neji, why did you cut me-

Naruto: Yeah, Neji why did you cut Tuga-chan off!?

Me: Naruto! You cut me off!

Naruto: Ah, gomen, gomen!

Me: Anyway, this is dedicated to AnimeAbi for her awesome comment that just made my day :). Oh yeah, picture of Nao-chan on the side!

Kabuto's Little Imouto (A Naruto Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz