6: Debut Party (1)

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From now on, chapters will say the age our MC currently is then the title of the chapter.


Once a nobility child reaches six, a debut party is held for them. It's to make an appearance, a first impression to aristocrats. It's like a reputation that'll stick to you forever. Since I'm a prince, the pressure is going to be ten times harder. This party will determine whether I am fit to become the next ruler of the country.

"Jack Ulric Ve Clawford!"

You know it ain't going to be something good when someone calls you by your full name.

"Y-yes...?" I couldn't help but stuttered upon seeing the fuming and stern look flashing across her face. Age seems to be getting on in years, with white streaks and wrinkles donning her. Her eyes were fierce and sharp, the very epitome of solemn dignity. In short, this old ha-*cough* I mean the teacher looked like a stereotypical fierce and strict professor.

Her heels clacked against the marble floor as she paced aggressively around the room. "The debut ball is held tonight. An important day for all aristocrats. As the future ruler of Elerhle, you are expected to hold great promises. A ruler who is full of distinguished characteristics." Stopping to look at me, I nervously gulped as I tried to force myself to calm down under her intense stare that seemed to be shooting lasers.

"As the next majesty of this country, I expect you to possess the skills of a monarch, an air filled with hints of upcoming authority and dominance. But only to be met with disappointment...tsk, tsk..."

I lowered my gaze to avoid her piercing eyes, my face was quickly flushed with embarrassment. The hands hanging by my side slowly tighten into fists, making the knuckles appear pale from the force exerted. I really can't say anything to refute back because it's the truth. I honestly don't think I have the capabilities to rule a kingdom.

That, and in addition, how can you tell if a 6 year old child will grow up to be a capable ruler? I mean, there have been cases where you could easily tell. But there is still enough time for me to improve.

She paused and glanced over at him, her apathetic gaze drilling holes through the trembling, pitiful figure. In this kind of situation, most would start to feel sympathy and offer some words of comfort. But only a sneer appeared upon her face. Her expression didn't waver in the least upon seeing the pitiful child.

Feeling such a sharp gaze being directed toward me, I unconsciously shrink myself back as my muscles tensed up. Out of the corner of my eyes, I found out that her expression turned a shade darker than before. My chest started to thump more furiously as I knew I did something wrong. I darted my eyes around as I frantically searched through my memories. I'm sure I haven't done anything to upset her, if you exclude the scene earlier.

The tapping of her shoes increased, a sigh then came out of her lips. "Forget it, how is the speech?"


Again, her expression was blanketed with a shade of black. A dark aura emerged, but her face turned 90 degrees much sweeter than before. "Sure, don't you remember? The speech for the party tonight." Such a sweet sickening tone, I know I did something very wrong.

Speech? When? ....wait a minute...THE SPEECH! FUDGE! ARGGG!! HOW COULD I FORGET IT?!

I screamed while harshly clawing my hair out inside my mind. I clutched my head and started pounding it onto the imagery floor. But in appearance, I pretended to make a noise of agreement that I finished it to escape from her evil clutches. "Professor Devilbell, don't fret, I've already finished it. It's just that I momentarily forgot."

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