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this is my journey as a mythical — a neko to be exact. i am currently in the process of becoming a neko, and have done a few spells. i don't have ears or a tail yet, but i'm feeling so many side effects of the spells i've done! if you want the spells i've done, i'll put them below! (i'll also include the side effects.)

my head was so itchy today, it was so weird! the thing is, i washed my hair in the morning yet it was still itchy. i'm 100% sure it was one of the side effects! (:

first spell:

you will need: night time, a voice, belief, and privacy.

the spell: cat Gods and Goddesses, hear me now.

i want the ears and tail of an animal that says meow.

(due date, must be above 30 days) is the date i'll get these, and i also want pointy, sharp, teeth.

by the power of 3, so let it be.

(say the spell 3 times)

the side effects for this spell are craving milk/fish, saying nya more often, wanting to take naps more often, itchiness/tightness in the place where your cat ears will be on your head and where your tail will be on you.

second spell:

the spell: a neko i wish, so shall i become,

[color] ears and [color] tail, *to never be undone.*

fangs and claws, they begin to grow,

my bright [color] eyes, they will glow.

i ask of you God, to grant me this now,

to be a neko, half-cat, meow meow!

if you don't want them to be visible all the time, replace the underlined section with "when i command, they will come." say this three times a day for one week. you can whisper it if you want. it takes 9 days to work.

the side effects for this spell are back/head/toothaches, brighter eyes, purring/hissing/meowing, and cravings for milk/fish.

stay tuned for more journal entries!


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