Chapter 20 - Dad needs to Know

Start from the beginning

Dream Two

I was dragged out of my cage and to the beating room. I was being took there because there was a spot I missed on the floor. I was chained onto the wall, shaking in fear. He grabbed something with a handle and a lot of strings on it. I screamed when I heard something crack. I look and saw that he was smirking. He drew his hand back and the string came to me and hit my stomach making me scream. I had never felt this pain. He hit me with it until I had cuts. I was screaming until my throat was raw. He undid the chain and drug me to my cage. I was crying so hard that as soon as I was in my cage, I just wanted to sleep.

Dream Three

I awoke with a start, hearing the girl next to me screaming. She was fighting against master. I wanted to yell at her to stop, but master had choked me a week ago and it destroyed my voice box that I can't say words but make noises. I gasped when he smacked her to the ground and pulled out a gun, shooting her in the head, her blood landing on me. My eyes were wide open in shock and fear. "This is what will happen if you fight against me or try to run."

Dream Four

I was dragged out of my cage by my hair to a bathroom. Master threw me in the bath and said, "Get washed up, I'm going to show you off to my friends. If you try anything or mess up, you will be punished severely." I nodded and obeyed, getting dressed after a bath. One of the older girls brushed my hair and braided it for me. I had walked downstairs and looked down, knowing I will be hit for looking into his eyes. "Go and get tea for my guest." He had said. I went and tugged on the maid in the kitchen's dress. She had looked down and I pointed to the kettle, showing that master wanted tea. She nodded and made it for me and put it on a tray with cups. It was a little heavy but I walked slowly so nothing fell or spilled. I sat it down in front of him and his friends and stood next to the couch looking down. I looked through my lashes to see he was looking at me with a smirk. I saw he had looked at his friends and one of them were looking at me. He smiled softly at me and I thought he could help me. I mouthed to him, 'Help me', but master saw. My eyes widened in fear. His friend looked at me with a smirk. 'I'm dead', I thought. Master had me stay next to him until his friends left. He called the maid that had gotten the tea for me and said, "Put this away, I have something to do." She nodded and followed his orders. He grabbed me roughly and took me to the punishment room. He tore my clothes off me and backhanded me. I was crying and holding my cheek. He then grabbed the whip and whipped me with it 25 times. I was sobbing, getting kicked for being so loud. He then grabbed a different whip, this one with pieces of glass and metal on it and whipped me with it 10 times. I had blood going down my body. I was in so much pain. He then smacked me. He flipped me over and raised my butt in the air, unfastening his pants and raped me. I was crying from my cuts being burned from the sweat dripping down my body from the pain. I was screaming and kicking. After he had raped me, he pulled out and dragged me to my cage. I cried more and more, the pain being unbearable. He threw me in, walking away.

Dream Five

I was being dragged to the punishment room again, this time for trying to run away. He raped me again. He then tied me to the bed on my stomach. He had put a blindfold on me and grabbed something else. I heard a crack, knowing it was a whip. I had jumped when he slammed it down on me, instantly knowing it was the one with glass and metal. I screamed when he jerked the pieces out of me and did it again. I was losing so much blood, knowing I would pass out soon. He kept going, whipping me until he thought I had died. I had a blank look on my face, my body not moving after he whipped me from being numbed. He untied me and throws me over his shoulder, carrying me to the back door and to the woods. He throws me on the ground and turns to walk away. I get up and run. He hears me and chases after me, almost catching me twice. I ran for six hours before passing out.

I was still curled up when I felt a pair of arms around me and water dripping down onto me. I look up and gasped when I saw it was Mori that was crying. He hugged me so tight that I thought I would suffocate. I pushed his arms to get him to loosen up on me. He pulled away slightly and said, "I'm going to kill that bastard." I was shocked but looked at the others and they were shocked that I was put through all of that. I smiled at them and signed, You all are awesome, but you know why I can't talk now. I sighed and leaned into Mori.

"Kyouka, you still need to show this to dad. You know how he feels about not knowing stuff." Kyoya said. I frown but nod.

I stand up, grabbing my laptop and walking to dad's office. I knocked on the door, hearing a faint, "Come in." I open the door, smiling softly. Dad looked up and smiled at me. He stopped typing and asked, "What is it Kyouka?" I take a deep breath and set my laptop on the desk and sign, I want to show you what is in my dreams. He was shocked and looked at my laptop and grabbed it. I was looking down while he was reading it.

"Oh my god, Kyouka, has all of this happened to you?" Dad asked. I nod with tears in my eyes. Dad stood up and walked over to me and gave me a hug. He was whispering in my ear encouraging words and rubbing my back. I sobbed loudly, glad that dad knew. He pulled away and asked, "Would you be okay to draw him?" I sighed and pulled away, nodding. I grab his hand and pulled him to my room after grabbing my laptop. The club was all in there still. I let go of dad's hand and made a motion with my hand to make them all get up off the bed. I lean over the edge and grab my sketchbook and pencils. I leaned back up and set the stuff around me.

"What is she doing father?" Kyoya asked. "She is drawing him." Dad replied. Everyone was shocked. I rolled my eyes and got to work. I took a deep breath and started on his hair. I then focused on his facial shape. Next was his eyes and nose. I then drew his mouth with a cigarette in them. Finally I drew his body shape. I grabbed my coloring pencils and colored the picture. I drew him in his usual outfit.

I sighed and shivered at how realistic it looked

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I sighed and shivered at how realistic it looked. I threw it to the end of the bed, bringing my knees to my chest, shaking in fear. Everyone was shocked at how realistic it looked. I had tears going down my face.

"Kyouka, you did wonderful. I'm sure that they can find him now." Dad said.

I sat up and signed, Force him to take them to his house. He had almost 100 girls there, all getting the same treatment I did.

I was pissed and was fuming. Mori walked up to me and held me. I gasped, knowing dad didn't know we were dating. I blushed and looked down into my hands.

"Kyouka, are you and Takashi dating?" Dad asked. I blushed yet again and nodded. Dad smiled and said, "I approve." I gasped and shot up, running to hug dad.

Dad chuckled and hugged me back. He sat me down and let me go back to my boyfriend. I kissed him and smiled. I was so happy. Everyone smiled at me being happy. But what no one knew, was that this was only the beginning.

Turns out, this is 2180 words without the author's notes and 2247 with them. I hoped you all enjoyed it.

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