“At first we hadn't either, but another pack was talking about it at a meeting, and my father actually tested it out,” I said turning to Steve. “I mean it could be just that one student’s wolf was ready before the other student’s wolf; we’re really not sure, but we had been keeping up with it since then.”

“What about the student who hasn't turned into a werewolf yet?” Kiana questioned.

“You mean, Hunter? We have been trying everything we could think of for him,” I answered honestly. “Nothing has worked though, and we don't know why. Hunter can talk to his wolf, but for some reason his wolf just won’t come out. I think our doctor has honestly started to give up on Hunter. His family already did.”

I could feel Kiana's stare even when I’m not looking. “What if I tried working with him?” she asked. From behind me I could heard Lucas and Steve whispering about Kiana's request. I could also see the worry in both of their eyes as I turned in their direction, but Kiana doesn’t seemed worried, and instead seemed hopeful. “I mean it can't hurt, can it?”

“No it can't,” I replied. “We can set up a day sometime this week if you would like? I mean it could be good to get another person’s insight on the matter.”

“That's what I was thinking.” Kiana smiled.

“When Kiana works with Hunter, would it be alright if I accompany her?” Lucas asked, speaking up for the first time in what seems like hours.

I nodded. “No that isn't a problem. The doctor will probably want to be there though. I mean considering the two of you aren’t even in the pack, they will want to make sure that Ty will be alright.”

“That's not a problem,” Lucas said, “with the doctor there, we can figure out what she has been thinking about and why Hunter has not transformed yet, and maybe get a bit of her incite on the matter as well.”

“If either of you can honestly figure out why Hunter has not changed yet I think the whole community will be in shock,” Derek said speaking up for the first time since coming up the stairs. He had a smile on his face as he moved closer towards Kiana.

“Yeah we would be too, honestly,” Steve said. He’s too busy staring worriedly at Lucas.

Although I’m not far from the front door of the classroom I still walked over and leaned against the frame staring off at the four in front of me. “We could head down and continue the rest of the tour. Sadly, we won’t be meeting most of the pack members today, but during initiation you can see them. Other than that, we can go for a run around our territory. We might run into a few members that way.” I looked at Lucas, Kiana and Steve as I finished my sentence. “That is if you three would like to.”

“Yeah sure.” Kiana smiled, before looking at Lucas and Steve. At first they seemed content with saying no, but soon the two of them nodded their heads without a word.

“Follow me then.” I motioned my hand to follow, walking out of the classroom and down the stairs to the front of the school. I waited for the rest of them to follow suit, first with Derek who somehow was able to get his arm around Kiana before walking down the stairs, then finally Steve and Lucas who were in the back whispering to each other. I didn't bother to invade their conversation even though I could. Instead, I kept myself occupied and looked at Derek. “Derek, seriously,” I said silently through the pack’s own use of a telephone.

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