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"Your destination is on the right," google says as I drive through the very affluent neighbourhood. My jaw drops open as I pull into the circle driveway of a gorgeous brick mansion. Ten life size replicas of my house could fit in here. I put my car in park and turn it off, texting Alessandro that I'm outside.

I watch as a Gardner trims the hedges in the front yard. Alessandro's house has a beautiful front garden. Lilac coloured flowers with hints of White to compliment them. I wish I could have a nice garden. All the plants I've had have died within a week. And all my fish as well. I'm just not good with anything living.

I almost jump out of my skin when I hear a knock on my window. I look and see Alessandro standing there with dark wash jeans and a polo shirt that fit him in the right places. I open my door and step out "Your carriage, sir." I giggle.

He chuckles "Do you mind coming inside for a minute? My mother wants to see you, she's uh...strange." He shrugs a bit. I instantly feel nervous. His mother? What if she kicks me out if I say something wrong? I put up a smile  "Okay. Lead the way." I go around the car to follow him inside the French doorway. I let out an audible gasp as I step in. There is a beautiful crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling that no doubt costs more than my car. His flooring is a beautiful cherry wood and the stairwell follows that leading upstairs. He has paintings hanging up that look like ones painted by the masters themselves and some vases hold beautiful flowers on cherry wood tables. "Dude your house is like...woah..."

He laughs lightly "Thank you. My mother decorated and is very proud of her work. She's in the kitchen." He says leading me there. My eyes bulge out again as I see the kitchen that was decorated with white and gray marble counters and sink tiles. Two ovens! And the stove top has more eyes than a spider. "Even the kitchen is beautiful..." I murmur.

His mother stands against the counter with an empty glass in hand. She smiles when she sees us and sets it down "Ah she's beautiful!" She says making her way over to us. She kisses both my cheeks with her hands on my shoulders. "Welcome to my home, your name is Angelise right?" I nod my response. Even his mother is beautiful with big brown eyes and a kind smile with her brown hair cascading in luscious curls. Maybe I should have done something else with my hair.

"Beautiful name too. So are you and my son dating?" She asks, her voice slightly more serious. " It's just a date today but we aren't dating..." I stumble over my words. She nods "Well maybe you will soon, yes?" She smiles again. "I won't keep you any longer, go on and have fun children."

Alessandro grabs my hand and tells his mother something in Italian. She nods and smiles as he leads me out of the kitchen and back to my car. I walk ahead and open his door for him "After you sir," I wave my arm dramatically. He grins and gets in and I close the door after him. I quickly go around and get in and pull off.

"So where are we going?" He asks. I smile cutely "It's a surprise." He watches me for a few seconds "Okay. This should be fun." He sits back.

My phone rings and I glance at the caller I.D but I'm too nervous a driver to really get a good look so I just answer and put it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Girlllll," I cringe as Jenny squeals into the phone. "Yes Jen?" I pray she doesn't say anything stupid. I glance at Alessandro who looks straight ahead.

"A little birdy told me you're going on a date with that hawt Italian guy. Is this true?" She asks. I sigh "Yes I'm with him now-"

"What?! Right this second? Did I interrupt something? Did you see his Italian sausage yet? Is it big-" I quickly press hang up, my face hot as I bite my lip in embarrassment. Damn Jenny.

I slowly gaze over at Alessandro who is visibly suppressing his laughter by biting his lip and pushing his fist into his jaw slightly.

"It's okay to laugh..." I mumble "I'm sorry about Jenny. She's uh...yeah." I groan a bit and focus on the road.

He snickers a little "She is definitely a character. But that's okay. Me and my Italian Sausage aren't offended." He teasingly assures me and my eyes widen in horror at his new joke.

Why lord why? What have I done to deserve this horrible treatment? I shake it off and sit up straighter, this will not ruin my first date. We haven't even gotten to the place yet. This will be awesome.

As I pull into the laser tag and arcade parking lot Alessandro's eyes widen in interest. "I haven't been here." He says and I smile. Great, I can show him the ropes and how I'm a master at laser tag. Heheh. "It's a lot of fun. Come on in sir." I say getting out and opening his door for him. He steps out and I walk to the front and open the door for him as well. He chuckles and goes inside and I hurry to the front counter and buy two all day passes before he could pull out his wallet. I cheekily grin up at him as he pushes his wallet back down "This one is on me sir. Food and all. So don't you dare reach for that wallet."

He nods "Alright kind gentle woman. Lead the way then and woe me with youb laser tag skills." He grins at his use of the word 'youb' . I cock a brow "Watch it buddy. Or I won't go easy on youb in laser tag. I'll kick your butt." I say confidently. He leans a bit close to me with a smirk "Bring it." He challenges and walks to the door to wait for the game session to be called. I crack my knuckles and roll my neck. Fine, but I warned him.

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