Next morning:

Nellie frowned while rolling the dough at her counter. For days she'd been in a constant state of anger and frustration. The man living upstairs was driving her to the brink of bloody insanity every time he opened his damn mouth. She huffed in annoyance, thinking about how rude he'd acted yesterday. And the day before that, and the day before that. As if on que, just the man she'd been thinking of came waltzing through the pie shop door.

Nellie rolled her eyes at the sight of him, "wot?" She asked, as though he now needed a very specific reason to be in his own kitchen.

Sweeney scoffed as he poured himself a cup of coffee, though not all of the caffeine in the world was going to give him strength to deal with her today. "We're gonna start already, are we?"

"We started last night when you locked me out of my own house." She told him, hitting the dough much harder than necessary. Imagining bashing Todd's head in, he assumed as he watched her hit it violently.

"I locked you out to keep myself from murdering you, you were driving me crazy."

Nellie laughed bitterly "I was driving you crazy?! You were being a cruel bastard, something you're best at."

Sweeney took a large sip of his coffee "please oh God not this. Not now, it's too early for your bullshit Nellie, start being a pain in my ass at around noon."

Nellie put down the rolling pin and glared across the counter at him "it's smartass comments like that that'll make you end up in one of my pies." She warned, sounding dead serious. Todd bravely and slowly made his way around the counter, nearing her. She followed him with her eyes, not moving from her spot. She then felt him standing directly behind her, she said nothing. Suddenly she felt him put an arm around her waist, but not in a protective or gentle way. It wasn't a kind gesture, it was more threatening as he jerked her closer to him, his mouth at her ear.

"Wot are yeh gonna do Nell?" He asked darkly, "kill me?"

Nellie was quick to grab her big knife off the counter and turn around swiftly, holding the knife at his stomach. "Get out."

"Are you serious?" He laughed, was she honestly holding a knife to him right now?

She moved the knife from his stomach to his throat, pushing down lightly, he felt the blade pressing his skin. She wasn't adding enough pressure to draw blood or break skin, but now he definitely knew she wasn't kidding around with him. "Get out. Go up to that shop of yours that wreaks of alcohol, or take a walk, or go back to fucking Australia, I don't give a damn! Just get out and get away from me!" Todd stood unmoving. Nellie couldn't be in the same room as him anymore, she just couldn't.

"Fine, I'll leave." She tried pushing past him but he grabbed the knife from her and put it back on the counter before grabbing her arms, holding her in place.

"And go where?"

"Anywhere on earth away from you!" She pushed him off of her, but the yelling didn't stop.


Johanna felt like she was losing her mind. Her parents had been arguing around the clock for days. She constantly heard them. Their yelling would wake her up in the morning and it would bleed into her dreams at night. Just constant screaming. She knew they've always had tendencies to bicker and argue and annoy one another. But not like this. Not for days on end without any progress or resolution whatsoever. For God's sake they're arguing like a married couple and they're not even married!

Johanna groaned before rolling out of bed, changing from her nightgown into a nice white and yellow dress. When she opened her bedroom door, the screaming from down the hall became more clear.

Bloody Hell just fall in love already!Where stories live. Discover now