The fake date

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Victoria spun around in her dark purple dress. She was very excited and cheerful, as usual. The party started in only thirty minutes and she just couldn't wait to get there. Victoria, unlike the barber and baker, was very social and loved talking to anyone and everyone. She stood outside of Nellie's door with a smile "did you try on the dress I picked for you?" She called to Nellie from the other side of the closed door.

"Yes, you can come in" Nellie replied, not sounding as enthusiastic as her cousin. When Victoria entered the room her jaw dropped, the dress fit perfectly! It was dark blue with black lace and it looked amazing on her! "Nellie you look gorgeous!" Victoria squealed happily, Nellie smiled slightly "thanks."

Victoria's smile faded slightly to a look of concern "wot's wrong dear?"

Nellie shrugged "I don't know, I just feel a bit foolish. I'm so clumsy and ungraceful, I don't usually wear dresses like this. I feel like some type of fraud."

Victoria waved the thought away with her hands "don't be silly you look wonderful. I 'ad a good feeling about that dress. Now cheer up, it'll be so much fun!" This made Nellie smile, Victoria was right. She must remain optimistic.

They went into the livingroom where Toby and Johanna were playing cards "where's Anthony?" Lovett asked.

"In his room," Johanna replied quietly but when she looked up her eyes widened "oh my gosh you two look so pretty!" Victoria smiled brightly "thank you so much love!"

Toby smiled "mum that dress is very pretty" before Nellie could thank him, a deep voice came from across the room. "Try not to trip or get mud on it." Nellie rolled her eyes at Sweeney's remark but she wore a tiny smile "smart ass."  

"Let's get this over with" he mumbled which made Victoria laugh and look at the children.

"Is he always this cheerful?"

"You 'ave no idea," Toby replied sarcastically. Sweeney didn't care much about their mocking, he only responded with a shrug. Nellie looked at Sweeney, he wore what he usually wore. But his white shirt was clean and neat, normally it was dirty and wrinkled.

"Awe you made an effort" Nellie told him with a smile in a mocking tone.
"Don't make me regret it." He replied darkly, but she noticed a small smile hinting at his face.

Victoria clapped her hands together once to get their attention "okay let's go" she squealed. Sweeney turned to the children "we'll be back in two hours at most. Don't burn the house down."

Johanna laughed at his words of encouragement "we won't. Have fun!"

The party was only a few blocks away so they decided to walk rather than take a carriage. Victoria watched Sweeney and Nellie as they walked-they had so much space between them, they weren't talking to each other nor were they looking at each other. And they were supposed to look like a couple? Only one word circled Victoria's mind; hopeless. Right before they entered the gate that led to the party, Victoria stepped infront of them.

"No one is going to believe that you two are a couple. Hold hands, walk closer together, speak to each other, just do something!" They looked at each other and realized just how right she was. Nellie stepped closer to him and took his hand, they then looked up at Victoria, as if asking if this was better. She smiled, "good, now smile...that means you, Sweeney." Nellie laughed slightly at her comment, but Todd didn't seem so amused.

After they each took a deep breath, they entered the party. Sweeney looked around, everyone was dressed nicely and smiles were everywhere. Bright colors danced across the room from women's dresses and everyone was talking and laughing, it was a very cheery environment. Todd was half tempted to just leave, but it meant a lot to Nellie so he'd just have to hold out for two hours.

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