Lost in the maze

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The house was quiet. Oddly quiet, the children noticed. Perhaps it had something to do with the huge fight Nellie and Sweeney got into the night before. Johanna sat silently at the table, eating her breakfast. She refused to speak to Toby and Anthony, she was mad at them for the previous night. While her father mocked Nellie, the two of them laughed and played along. Johanna was on her mother's side, of course. Toby and Anthony spoke about random topics as they ate, but Nellie was dead silent. They could only assume she was still upset.

All she could think about was last night. They went from screaming at each other at the top of their lungs, full of rage, to kissing each other in the road as it poured on them. Did it really happen? What even happened? Was she going mad?

Todd entered the room, and when Nellie heard the door open, she didn't need to turn around, she knew it was him. The very person she'd been thinking about all morning. Her pace quickened when she saw him, but she looked to the ground so she wouldn't have to make eye contact with him. The children expected the two adults to start arguing, they didn't know about their little make up in the rain. As soon as her father entered the room, Johanna stood from the table angrily and turned to exit the room.

"Johanna you haven't finished, are you feeling alright darling?" Nellie asked with concern, it wasn't like Johanna to leave breakfast early.

"I don't want to see him." She told Nellie, him being her father. She wouldn't speak to any of the boys, but she especially didn't want to see Sweeney. Not after the way he acted towards Nellie last night.

"Johanna hang on love." Nellie spoke softly, but Johanna went to her room and closed her door.

Todd looked at Nellie, rather confused. He pointed towards Johanna's room "wot's wrong?"

Nellie sighed "she doesn't want to see you."

"Why not?"

"She's mad at us, dad." Toby told him.

"Yeah, she won't talk to us." Anthony joined, "it's because of last night."

"So she's pissed at the three of us, and due to her anger she won't speak to us?" Todd asked, making sure he understood.

The two boys nodded "precisely."

Todd turned to Nellie "sound familiar?" He asked sarcastically, to which Nellie only smiled and looked down at the table.

Anthony noticed it was very clear that the two of them weren't mad at each other anymore. He hadn't seen what happened last night after they ran out into the rain, but it must've been something good.

Sweeney sighed "I'll be back." He left the kitchen and went to Johanna's room, he knocked on her door but didn't get a response. "Johanna it's me, please open the door." Still nothing. Todd slowly opened the door and saw his daughter sitting on the bed with her arms crossed, glaring at him. He had to do his best to hold back a laugh, it reminded him of Nellie. Her annoyed body language, her glare, it was like looking at Nellie.

"Get out, I don't want to see you." She told him quietly.

"Ya know, your mum isn't mad at me anymore." He told her, hoping it might lessen her anger.

"I don't care. She should be, you acted foolish, all three of you did. At least Toby is only fourteen, he has an excuse to be immature. But you and Anthony were completely ridiculous." He never thought he'd be getting maturity lessons from his daughter. But she was right, again much like Nellie always was.

"You're right Johanna, I'm sorry. But don't you think maybe you should talk to Anthony and Toby?"

"I don't want to talk to any of you. Please just go." He wished his daughter would just speak to him, but at the same time he didn't want to upset her any further so he returned to the kitchen, feeling rather defeated.

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