Resque Ace part 2

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Luffy turned his head his head towards Ino and Sakura and gasp in surprise that they were with Whitebeard, but then smiled happily at them.

"You two have no idea how worried I got!"

Before he got any answer Crocodile suddenly appeared behind Whitebeard and was about to attack him until Luffy slammed his wet fist against his face. Ino immediately stood in front of Whitebeard and Luffy while yelling at him.

"What the hell is your damage you jackass!? This is not the time for attacking each other! Save it after we rescue Ace!"

"Whitebeard is really important to Ace, so I can not let you touch him."

"... You're going to regret this."

Luffy frowned but decides he'll deal with him later, right now all that he can concentrate on is saving Ace. Sakura shook her head before turning her head and stared at Ace, immediately forming a plan to get pass every marine and, what she heard of, the Warlords. She started counting where every Warlord is. She was interrupted by Luffy and Whitebeard's argues, then Luffy screamed at the top of his lungs.

"If you want to be the King of the Pirates, you gotta have to go through me! GOT IIIIT!!"

Luffy's screams echoed and every marine and pirate suddenly stopped and went pale while sweating in fear. A few also had a snotty nose and nearly began to cry. She couldn't help but smirk.

'Guess he's the most feared pirate that ever lived. This should be interesting.'

"I'll be the one who'll rescue Ace! He's my brother!"

Ino stared at Luffy in a few moments before also smirking in amusement. She sighed and looked at Sakura, and she immediately heard her saying.

"Ino, stay with Whitebeard, I'll go with Luffy. Make sure no one touches him and heal a few injured pirates while you're at it."

"Right, good luck guys. Be safe."

Sakura jumped back down and went to Luffy's side and whispered to him about her plan. After that Luffy nodded and grabbed the ship's edge and pulled himself back as far as he could go, and Sakura immediately lean against Luffy and nodded at him to release.

"Gum Gum Double Rockets!"

With that both straw hat members went flying over the battle, making everyone stare above them in shock. Sakura put her hands together and did a few hand signs before summoning 6 clones of herself. Luffy, Sakura and the clones landed on their feet and immediately dash towards the first Warlord. Mihawk stood his ground and readied himself for the attack when one of the Sakuras came in charging fast. He blocked the clones attack and he could feel the powerful punch that forced to retreat. The rest of the Sakuras and Luffy had passed him carefully then had to dodge the swords master's powerful waves. The clone Sakura went to punch Mihawk again, but had missed an inch of his head.

"Impressive, not many came this close to me, but I should not be surprise, you did defeat Kuma."

" *Smirks* Should I take that as a compliment?"

"Oh yes my dear girl. Now, let's see what you can do."

Mihawk and the clone Sakura charged at each other and began to fight. Now Luffy and the 5 Sakuras ran towards the next Warlord, a vampire looking guy. The next Sakura charged at him but immediately stopped when the clone sense different type of energy in this guy. It finally clicked and the clone spoke.

"You must be Moria, a warlord that steals people's shadows. Luffy told me a lot about you."

"Gishishishi, that's right, and you must be Sakura Haruno, the Witch Pirate. And I'm also interested in you. Not many can take on a warlord. That's why, I must have your shadow!"

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