Chapter 18 - Queen of Spades

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Will came home and found Ernest's car parked near the gate. He ran in to meet him. There was no sign of him in the living room. He went to Ernest's room and knocked the door and waited. As soon as he opened the door, Will ran in and gave him a long, tight hug.

"Easy, Will", Ernest managed.

"Where were you, Ernie?" Will asked.

"I went to a lot of places, did a lot of things too. I found the letter by accident. I never thought that I would run into something like that. I think you should read it", Ernest said.

"I read it. I went to meet Emery", Will said.

"You did? Why did you go there?" Ernest asked, puzzled.

"Olivia's missing", Will told.


Will told him the entire story. Ernest listened patiently before saying," It's not a problem, Will. We'll find her. I'll just make a call. Just wait here."

Ernest took out his phone and walked to the balcony. Will got up and went to the restroom. He washed his face and hoped that all these problems got over soon. Just as he turned to leave the bathroom, he saw something. A shirt lying on the floor.

"It must be Ernie's", thought Will.

He picked the shirt up. There were stains of blood in it. Will remembered the words that Olivia had told Will earlier. She had told him that she had seen Ernest at the library.

"His hands were covered with blood", she had said.

Will walked out. Just as Ernest cut the call, he asked Ernest," What is this, Ernie?"

Ernest was shocked to see the shirt in Will's hand.

"It's nothing Will. Give it to me", he said.

Will pulled the shirt out of Ernest's reach and shouted," Tell me".

"You're not in a state to understand these things, Will. I'll explain everything later. For now, just trust me", Ernest said.

"No. I want an answer right now. I'm not leaving until I get it", Will told.

"Will, we don't have much time. We have to find Olivia, too. She might be in danger", Ernest replied.

"Wait a minute. We're not going anywhere. First I need proof that it wasn't you who kidnapped Olivia", Will yelled.

"Will. What are you talking? Why would I kidnap her?" Ernest asked.

Will did not utter another word. He needed explanation. Ernest was ready to give it to him. It was high time that Will knew what was happening.

"Close your eyes, Will", Ernest said.

"Not a chance", he replied.

Ernest sighed," Okay. But this might be too much for you to take in but, relax."

Will had been through a lot in the past few days. Nothing could be too much for him to take in. But he was wrong. A sudden flash of light radiated from Ernest skin. His body shrunk, Will saw him grow smaller and thinner. His hair grew and all signs of facial hair disappeared. His face changed shape and the light disappeared. In front of Will stood a lady, whom he did not recognise.

"Who are you? What..... What did you do to Ernie?" he stuttered.


Olivia grew tired of trying to free herself from the chains. She couldn't see anything around her. It was too dark. Suddenly, the door opened and a man came in. Light trickled in through the open door.

"Do you need something to eat?" he asked.

Olivia couldn't see his face. It was well covered under his hood. She was sure that this was the man who had kidnapped her. It was the same voice.

"No", she replied.

"You have to stay healthy when The Master comes here", he said and came closer to check if the chains were still intact.

She had no idea who The Master was and what he wanted from her. When the man came closer she could see his arms covered with burn marks.

"What happened to your hands?" she asked, politely.

"That's none your business. You will have to stay here till he comes", he told her as he turned and walked away.

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