"my parents-"

"we'll be quiet." she breathed as she reapplied her lips onto mine.

she began to tug on my shirt but i grabbed her and removed her from me.

"stop it!" i hissed as i stood up and straightened myself.

she furrowed her eyebrows and bit her lips.

"okay wow-" she started as she got up and slid on her shirt.

"i'm sorry but my freaking parents just got home! what do you not understand?" i hissed.

"okay you know what? i'm sorry for wanting to have sex with my boyfriend!" she growled as she grabbed her phone and walked towards the window.

"where are you going?" i mumbled as i walked towards her.

"climbing out?" she snarled. "i've done this before" she began to unlock the window.

"you've changed." i sighed as i rubbed my head.

she stopped climbing and turned around.

"well i wonder who did that?" she snapped as she continued to climb.

"claudia-" i started as i walked towards the window. "stop it you're gonna hurt yourself."

she began to laugh as she climbed down and faced me.

"hurt myself yeah? since when were you concerned about that? last time i checked you lovveeeed throwing me against lockers and humiliating me." she snapped, her eyes growing watery.

i licked my lips and stared at her, my heart breaking by second.


"for crying out loud i cut myself because of you!" her voice cracked as she held up her wrists.

"you wanted me to kill myself!" she spoke shakily.

"i thought you forgave me. i thought we started over-"

"really justin? really? you think i can just forget about this and act like it never happened? it may be easy for you, but it's a part of me now." she sobbed as she pointed to her wrists.

i stood there shocked, not knowing what to do. where was this all coming from? well, she was right, i ruined her life...why are we even doing this?

"i wanted to-take my life away-because of you!" she spoke breathlessly as more tears spilled down her cheeks.

"i'm-im so sorry." i whispered as i grabbed her hand.

"it hasn't been easy for me either. i feel guilty every day. i don't deserve to kiss you, hold you, or anything." i sighed as i bit my lip.

"then why are we doing this?" she whispered as her voice cracked more.

"because i love you." i whispered as i stared into her red eyes. fuck, i did not just say that.

her expression changed as her breath was shaky.


"i'm sorry, i know i shouldn't...but i just do. i used the wrong way to express it...but i really do." i blurted. where is all of this coming from?

she bit her lip and backed away.

"i-i have to go."

"claudia please." i sighed as i grabbed her hand.

"justin-please just let me leave." claudia mumbled as she continued to stare at the ground.


"just let me breathe." she cracked.

i sighed and let go of her hand.

"okay." i sighed as i headed towards the stairs.

i peaked downstairs and saw no one was there, instead i heard muffled voices in their bedroom.

"cmon." i mumbled as i lead claudia out.

she speedwalked down the stairs towards the door and opened and fast.

before she managed to leave i grabbed her wrist and pulled her into my arms.

"i'm sorry." i whispered into her ear before kissing her cheek and letting her go.

her lip began to tremble as she quickly walked out of the house onto the sidewalk.

i licked my lips and closed the door slowly as i fell onto the couch.

i've done too much to her. she must be so stressed with all this, god she deserves someone way better than me.

claudia's pov

i ran down the street as i sobbed to myself. i don't know where all that came from...it's kinda like i just, popped.

i grabbed my phone from my pocket as i dialed maddie's number.

"what's up?" she instantly replied.

"maddie please come pick me up." i spoke hoarsely as i wiped my face with my other hand. "something happened."

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