c h p 2

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claudia's pov

my alarm went off for the 2nd time and i groaned as i pulled myself out of bed. when i finished getting ready i made my way downstairs, spotting aunt carol in the kitchen making my lunch.

"here you go sweetie. how did you sleep?"

"thanks, and okay i guess." i spoke softly as i placed my lunch in my backpack.

"okay we should probably get going—"

"no it's fine i'm taking the bus." i blurted.

she stopped and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"what...why? i can take you sweetie—"

"it's okay i know you're busy." i smiled slightly.

she sighed and shrugged.

"you sure claudia?"


she smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead before i made my way to the front door. honestly, i just wanted to spend some time to myself.

when i got on the bus i sat in the very back, and it was super noisy from everyone talking over each other.

once we got to school i got off alone, and made my way to the building. when i got to my locker i grabbed my book, praying to myself that justin wouldn't bother me today.

when i closed my locker i saw an unfamiliar figure beside me. i turned slowly and noticed a girl my height with brown hair and hazel brown eyes.

"uh hi i'm madison, i'm new here. i was just wondering where this class is?" she pointed to her schedule.

i picked up the paper from her hands as i studied her schedule carefully.

"sorry i don't know anyone here...and you seem like the only nice person here. everyone else at this school is hella judgmental and sketchy." she smiled.

i nodded slowly and opened my mouth to speak.

"so first period you have chemistry with mrs. barton in room C15. so from here you go straight then take the first right then continue straight and it's the last door on the right." i smiled slightly as i handed the paper back to her.

"ohhhhh okay, thank you so much oh my god i'd be completely lost without you! wait sorry i didn't catch your name—"

"claudia." i nodded.

"claudia. that's such a pretty name! okay i better go. it was nice meeting you." she smiled as she turned to walk towards her class.

wow she was so sweet, no one is ever this nice to me at this school.

i made my way to first period and we took the math test. halfway through the test i felt a pair of eyes on my test next to me, so i covered my answers low key. then i heard a groan come from the same person. they were definitely looking at my paper.

as usual, i was the first person to finish so i stood up to go turn in my test, but i get tripped instead. i felt face flat onto the ground as everyone started to laugh. great.

the bullyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя