Chapter 3

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Chapter Three ~Shinagakure~


Shin = Truth
Shinagakure = Hidden Village of Truth


Author's Note:

This will be written 4 years later. Also, sorry for not updating. -Mikaela. Oh, and my favorite Japanese Pop girl group is Kalafina ^^ -Ciel.


Tsunade's Point of View

It have been 4 years since my gaki has left the village from the banishment prior of the pathetic, good-for-nothing council.

I was still busy drinking while my clone was doing paper work. As then, after these years, we were dropping from resources. From our top place of being the best village, diminished as we are becoming weaker now.

After the other villages heard about what we've done to Naruto, they're like a dandelion disappearing into flying petals.

When Sunagakure caught gist of it, it was a desperate situation. Gaara, the fifth Kazekage has now banned everyone from Konohagakure visiting for resources and supplies. He dares to kill any person from Konoha that enters his sight. The Mizukage of Kirigakure, Mei Terumi has also done the same thing but she has guards around patrolling to murder anyone from Konoha. Everyone was getting weak and poor. They can't travel because they will be murdered in the process. Now they are starting to have the addiction to cannibalism.

"ANBU!" I yelled.

Three ANBU came into my sight. One was Raven, another one was Canary and the last one was Dog.

"I have a S-ranked mission for you guys. Take off your masks." I ordered.

Raven took off his mask first as his raven locks started to decorate his pale face. Canary took off her mask to show her pink *disgusting* spit of chewed strawberry licorice as it decorated her ugly face that reminds everyone of a pig. Dog was the last to take off his mask and as always, his silver hair was defying gravity with his headband covering his Sharingan.

"Now, we are going to ask a newly formed village for assistance. Deliver this scroll to Shinagakure if you may and request for assistance." I ordered.

They nodded as they shunshined away.

-Hn..... page break.-

Sasuke's Point of View

Shinagakure. That's where he is the kage. I was so excited I could even feel adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Sakura stared at me as if I was insane. I glared back showing that she should mind her own business. She quivered and went to pack her stuff. I got my sealing scroll which was a gift from him and sealed in most of the stuff inside it. Then, I went out to see the rest of the team here.

"Lets get to the mission," I said monotonously, holding my mask up.

They both nodded as Kakashi got the scroll out to point out the directions of where Shinagakure may be at. Surprisingly it was near our village. We went towards the gates as I see tons of soldiers.

"Halt! Who goes there?" they yelled at the same time.

"We are to bring a scroll to the kage of this village," Kakashi answered.

"Without the Shinkage's permission, you are not allowed," one of the soldiers stated with indifference.

"How dare you try to become an obstacle to our mission? How dare you stop me and Sasuke-kun from accomplishing this mission?" she yells.

"Silence!" the soldier yells.

"Wait! Shinkage said they can enter," someone yells.

The soldier grunted as he let the ANBU pass.

"Welcome to Shinagakure," he grumbles.

All we see is not a village...but a masterpiece. There were people everywhere like Konoha from before. No poorly built houses but mansion-like houses.

'Wow....he must have done a excellent job on making this village.'

"Naruto...I'm here to see you," I mumbled under my breath.

(629 words)

*I'm sorry if it's not much X(*

Betrayed Banishment - Naruto Fanfiction [Adopted]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora