"Char, you sound so childish when you say that." Rory replies, sighing.

"I know but-"

"No buts, no cuts, no coconuts." Rory retorted, pulling out of the driveway. "The dress shop that I want to go to is a hour away so get comfortable." She adds, plugging in her phone and turning on Pandora.

This is going to take a while.

'Agree!' Snow chimes, laughing. I sigh and put in my headphones turning on Halsey. I love her music so much!! As we leave the neighborhood I catch the scent of  Daxton. I shake my head. I can't see him right now. Just not yet.


"Hattie!" Somebody yells as I wake up. "We're here!"

"What?" I mumble, rubbing my eyes. "Not yet...." Somebody laughs and I look out my window and I see Lori. Slowly I get out of the car. Then I get attacked with a tight hug.

"Why did you leave? I hate being the only girl there." Lori says, releasing me. As we walk to the dress store.


"You can tell her. She won't tell Daxton." Cassie says, walking over to me. Giving me a hug. "I miss you. Please come back soon."

"Alright so....." I start and explain everything. Afterwards Cassie, Ava, Lori, and Briley were giving me sad eyes.

"Hattie, I wish I could say that you deserve better, but your stuck with him for the rest of your life." Lori speaks up after a long pause of silence.

"Maybe he'll get better." I reply, casting my eyes down.

'If he gets better.' Snow chimes. 'Rocco didn't do anything it's all the human on this one.'

'Great! Thanks for that boost of confidence.' I reply, sarcastically. As we walk into the shop.

"Hattie, he's been beating himself up about mistreating you." Cassie adds as we start to skim the racks. I walk over to the petite section since I'm only 5'1 unlike Char that's 5'4 and Daxton that's about 6'4.

"I'm just not ready yet." I sigh as a dress catches my eye. It's lavender that would be about knee length the top has white lace that covers the lavender.

I pull it of the rack

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I pull it of the rack. Then walk over to Rory.

"What do you think?" I ask, holding it up to my figure.

"I think God purposely put that dress in this store." She replies, smiling widely. Then God why does Rory speak nonsense sometimes?

'Agree!' Snow chimes, lifting up her head.

'Go back to sleep.' I reply, laughing.

'Okay then good night!' She says, laying her head back down.

My wolf is such a character!

"So yes?" I ask, raising my shoulders.

"Definitely yes." Cassie says, walking up behind me.

"You'll look stunning!" Char squeals, jumping up and down. "Okay, now go try it on." She adds, shooing me to a fitting room.

As I shut the door a familiar scent fills my nose.

'Sh*t!!' Snow says, fulling waking up this time.

'F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!' Ada chants, waking up from her nap as well.

It's Daxton.

"Hattie?" I hear Lori's voice call.

"Yeah?" I ask, opening the door. Coming face first with a nervous Lori and Cassie.

"We'll buy your dress and shoes. Now get you *ss in the car Rory has it started. And if he says anything just walk by quickly." Cassie whispers, quickly. Shoving me to the front as she tells me all of this.


"Yeah, yeah, no problem." She waves. "Now go!"

Quickly I run over to the car and open the passenger door and get in.

"Alright, ladies!" Rory says, speeding off. "For Hogwarts!"

D*mn, that was close.


I'm back!!!

Sorry for disappearing, basketball is a very large load also when your in class. But, I hope you like this chappy and I thought in the next chappy our little Char could go on her date.

Thank you guys so much for 1.4k!!!!! Y'all are that best!!!

Anyhow on to the next chappy.

Love ya,


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