Chapter 11

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Hattie's P.O.V

All my friends are heathens

Take it slow

Wait for them to ask you who you know

Pleas don't make any sudden moves

You don't know half of the abused

The radio sings as I drive to go get Char and Cassie from gymnastics.

The whole Gabby thing was about a few weeks ago. Daxton's surprised how well I've recovered. The doctor hasn't cleared me for dance yet. But the dude cleared to drive, so I'm driving Cassie and Char everywhere.

"Hey girls!" I chirp, while they both get in.

"Hi, Hattie! How's your day been so far?" Char asks me, pulling out her phone. I bet she's texting Chance, a kid she meet at gymnastics a few weeks ago. He supposed to take her out on a date on Friday. I will finally get to meet him. I think she's been hiding him from me. The reason? I have no clue.

"Good, I'm really bored." I sigh, watching the light change to green and pressing my foot on the gas. "Without dance in all."

Dance has been my life as long as I can remember. So without it feels like somebody ripped a piece of my heart out. The Nanny at the time thought I should do dance to get my mind off of my parents not being there. Surprisingly I was pretty good at dance.

"Then let's do something fun!" Cassie exclaims, loudly.

"Like what?" I ask as we pull in to the driveway of Char and I's house.

"Why are we here?" Char asks as I turn off the car and open my door.

"I need to get somethings that Daxton forgot to grab." I relpy, he maybe an Alpha, but his memory isn't the best. Don't tell him I said that.

"Like what?" Cassie asks as I key in the keycode.

"I told him to get clothes and he never actually came." I answer, walking up the stairs to my room.

I grab my suitcase and start emptying my dresser's drawers. This will be a long, grueling process.


"Finally, we're done!" Char yells, falling onto my now, stripped bed.

"You know what we should do now?" Cassie says, laying down next to Char.

"What?" I ask, joining them, laying next to Char on her other side.

Char and Cassie look at each other like they were talking telepathically.

"Shopping!" They scream on the top of their lungs. Looking at me with big, puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, okay." I reply, sitting up. "I will drive you to the mall, don't expect me to buy you two stuff."

"I got my debit card." Char says in a taunting tone. Waving it in front of my face.

"I have Daxton's credit card." Cassie says, showing me.

"Okay, ladies!" I yell, grabbing my suitcase and pulling it down the stairs.

"This will take forever!" Char sighs, grabbing another suitcase.

"I'll go by Starbucks on the way to the mall." I tell them, their faces light up and they move like God said he would buy them everything in the world.

I climb into the driver's seat and start the car.

"Hattie?" Cassie asks me in a quiet voice.

"Yeah?" I reply, pulling out of the driveway.

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