Chapter 2

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When my dad opened the door three boys ran by with silly string cans in their hands spraying each other. We stood there for a couple minutes until my dad cleared his throat and a lady walked in. Kate and I were just awkwardly standing there, I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Oh I'm so sorry about them," the lady said looking at the three boys shaking her head.

"I'm Michele, Austin's mom." She said shaking my dads hand.

"I'm Chris. This is my daughter Lacy and her friend Kate." When he said my name my head snapped up and my eyes got big. Kate just smiled and waved.

Just then the three boys came and stood by Michele. All three of them looked at me and I shuffled back and forth on my feet moving slightly towards Kate.

"I'm Austin." The boy with brown hair and greenish eyes said shaking my dad and Kates hand. When he got to me I looked up and shook his hand. His eyes were gorgeous. He squeezed my hand a little and winked at me. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks so I quickly looked away.

"I'm Alex." The other boy said shaking our hands.

"I'm Robert." He said doing the same I saw him smile wide at Kate she started blushing like crazy. I smirked at her and laughed in my head. Just wait till we get back home.

"Where's Zach at?" Michele asked the boys. Robert said he was sleeping.

Michele and my dad went off to talk about work related things while Kate and I stayed back with the boys.

Kate was talking to Alex, Austin, and Robert while I sat off by myself in a corner checking things on my phone. I'm not one to really communicate much.

I was shopping online when I felt somebody sit down next to me. I looked over and saw Austin sitting there smiling at me. I smiled back and went back to buying things.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked looking at my phone screen to get a glance. I tilted my phone a little and showed him.

"You don't speak much." He said moving to sit in front of me. I sighed and put my phone down.

"I don't really communicate much with people." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Why not?" He asked tilting his head to the side a little.

I shrugged my shoulders again. "People usually don't speak to me much." I told him. I looked up and saw my dad and Michele walking towards the front door.

"C'mon girls we're leaving." My dad said to Kate and I. I got up to leave but Austin grabbed my wrist. I stopped and looked at him.

"See you tomorrow." He said smiling at my. I nodded my head and walked quickly to my dad and out the door.

Loving You Is Easy **Austin Mahone**Where stories live. Discover now