The Ticket Pass

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If you have been a participant in this competition before, you will realise that this is a brand new concept. We have provided this concept to you on the second year due to how last year had went for us. It was a successful year, but were always looking for ways to improve upon our content.

So we introduce to you, The Ticket Pass. Listen very carefully, because you may need it.

This ticket pass may be distributed and used for when you and/or your partner are unavailable for a certain round.

This ticket can only be used once.

To have hold of this ticket, either you, or your partner must PM GraphicSilly for a chance at this ticket, and provide some of your points as a payment.

What are the points, and how do you receive them? Throughout the game, you are awarded a certain amount of points for your efforts, equalling from 5-20 points in the rounds, depending on how well you do.

Each participant will begin with 5 points as a fair price.

The ticket is a payment of 3 points taken away.

There is also a catch! Only two teams are allowed to use this ticket at a time. So if you definitely know you or/and your partner cannot do a certain round on the dates provided, first come first serve, grab it ASAP.

This ticket will then enter you and your partner a straight pass to the next round.

But you will not receive any points that that round provides due to your lack of entry.

You can only use this ticket once, so use it wisely.

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