Chapter 14

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Emilia couldn't sleep. She lay awake in her room, staring at the open window watching as the nights shadows filled her room. A long time ago she would have been frightened, but she had grown to love the dark, no longer feared the unknowing, as she once did as a small child. Now it excited her, the thought of the unknown was something adventurous. 

She tiptoed out of bed and to her window, tired of wasting the night away trying to sleep knowing that she wouldn't. She stubbed her toe against her nightstand and silently cursed being careful not to make too much noise. The last thing she wanted was to wake her parents', who she knew were light sleepers.

Sitting on the window-seat she stared out the window, at the sky which appeared a dark blue, the moon was high in the sky and thousands of stars twinkled in the distance. She had always found it amazing how far the sky seemed to stretch. How far did it go? Did it end or did it just continue on for forever? She knew she couldn't know the answer to her question and was okay with that. Somethings' were meant to remain unknown.

Picking up the book on the seat, Emilia opened it finding her letter from the Capital. She had been looking at it after supper and had hidden it away so her Parent's wouldn't find it. Was this one of the things that was to remain unknown? Life in the castle was something she had dreamed about her entire life, and the ticket to that dream was literately in her hand, but could she go? Would her Parent's ever relent and let her? She didn't think so. 

Sighing she dropped her gaze to the ground below and a shadow below caught her eye, bringing her out of her wandering thoughts', to see a figure standing just below her window. She was curious who would be up at this hour but quickly noticed who it was when the stranger looked up towards her as if sensing her eyes on his back. 

Aster waved up at her and she returned the gesture. The wind picked that moment to pick up, and the letter she'd been holding blew from her hand flying away from her. She leaned out her window crying out as she watched her precious dream get carried away by the wind. 

But the wind lasted only a second before disappearing and her letter fell to the ground below. "Aster grab that letter." She whispered as loudly as she dared hoping he could hear her despite her hushed tone, too afraid of waking her Parents'. She didn't wait for his reply hoping her had heard, and turned away from the window leaving her room as quickly as she dared, careful to be quiet as she passed by her parents' bedroom, she could hear her Father's quiet snores coming from inside and relaxed a little at knowing he was asleep. 

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