Chapter 12

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"So Ivan is one of your companions' you were separated from?" Emilia's Mother asked Aster who was sitting next to Emilia. They were in the kitchen, at the same table she and Margaret had been sitting earlier that day, before she'd cut her finger. Which she had forgotten all about during her walk with Aster. The pain had already faded.

"Yes. It seems he got separated from the others as well." Aster explained to Emilia's Mother what Ivan had told them. Although Emilia didn't know how they had gotten separated. Had someone been chasing them? Or perhaps they'd spilt up only to lose each other? She didn't know, but her curiosity was killing her.

"Oh, you poor dears." Emilia's Mother said placing a hand on his and squeezing it giving him one of her comforting looks. "Well until your companions find you, you are both welcome to stay here, free of charge." Her Mother told him and he stared at her with disbelief.

"That's very kind of you but we can't do that." He told her and Emilia looked at him surprised. Not many people argued a free place to stay, especially when it also came with a meal.

"You can and you will." Emilia's Mother told him sternly giving him one of her Motherly looks, a look she had used on Emilia all her life.

"No point in arguing she'll win." Emilia warned him knowing from experience that it was a wasted cause. She always won in the end, even when you thought that you had.

"Then please let us help around the inn." He insisted and Emilia smiled remembering how he'd been helping out in the kitchens earlier. Washing the fallen potatoes.

"If you really insist on helping out, then I'll just leave you to Emilia. You can help her with her chores. Since she seems to be having trouble finishing them lately." Her Mother teased shooting Emilia a 'Don't think I don't know' look. And Emilia put on her best innocent face, pretending she had no idea what her Mother was talking about. "Yeah, I'm not buying that and neither are you." Her Mother told her quickly and Emilia laughed, her Mother shaking her head at her.

"Fine. We'll go see if any of the guest need anything." Emilia said standing up. Her Mother nodded her head in approval smiling as Aster stood to follow Emilia.

"Good. And while your at it let them know super will be ready soon." Her Mother told her and Emilia nodded slipping out of the kitchens' before her Mother could add to the list of things' to do. She didn't bother waiting to see if Aster had followed her, she could hear him behind her trailing after. 

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