Chapter 11

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 If Emilia's Mother was at all surprised by her daughter's earlier disappearance she didn't show it. All she did was look between her daughter and the newest arrival with a slight shake of the head, a grin on her face. "My goodness Emilia, you certainly are bringing home a lot of new friends today." Her Mother teased her instead of asking for the details. "It's nice to meet you dear. Will you be staying with us for the night also?" She spoke to Ivan giving him one of her kindest smiles' and Emilia saw Ivan perk up at the sudden attention no longer ignored like he had been on the walk back to the inn.

Aster had made him walk ten feet behind them at all times' so that they didn't have to smell him, however it hadn't really been enough to keep the smell at bay, Emilia had still smelled the horrible stench the entire way back, and she had become self conscious thinking it had somehow clung onto her and was worried that she too stunk and was worried Aster would think the same thing.

"No my beautiful, I'm afraid the pleasure is all mine. You must be Emilia's dearest sister." He flirted and Emilia could only stare in disbelief at his boldness looking to Aster who could only roll his eyes shaking his head at his friend, clearly thinking the same thing as Emilia.

"Well now how sweet of you to say, but I believe we both know the truth don't we?" Emilia's Mother laughed, winking at Ivan who smiled in return."How about we get you settled in so you can get washed up?" She suggested kindly being careful of her choice of words', so that she didn't insult him. Her Mother had always been good about keeping herself composed even during the most daunting of times. It was something Emilia had always admired about her Mother, and wished that she could have inherited from her. Emilia herself didn't think she was very good at hiding her own emotions', they always got the better of her. But her Mother had assured her that it was something that came with age, saying that she used to be the same as Emilia but when she grew older it was something that just came to her.

As it was right now however, Emilia wondered how her Mother could keep from pinching her nose with Ivan standing so close. The smell seemed to be getting worse, as if the sudden enclosed space couldn't conceal it in. She was only glad no guests seemed to be around at the moment, it would ruin them, his smell.

"Gods' what is that smell!" Emilia turned at her Father's voice and watched as he walked in through the door she and her new friends had just walked in through. He was waving his hand in front of his nose and looked to Emilia a surprised look on his face. "Is that you dear?!" He asked sniffing around and Emilia felt her face flush at his words' unable to believe he would say them. How could he think such an awful smell would be coming from her!

"Stop it Father!" Emilia fussed waving him away from her annoyed. He smiled playfully sidestepping her hand moving closer to her Mother.

"I believe our dearest daughter has forgotten how to use water, Eleanor." Her Father teased planting a soft kiss on his wife's cheek and Emilia fumed at him still unable to believe he had just said that. She swept a sideways glance to Aster who she found watching her holding back a laugh. She narrowed her eyes looking at him directly and his smile widened as he held his hands up in surrender.

"I didn't do anything!" Aster defended himself and Emilia decided to turn her attention to her Father.

"Behave James." Emilia's Mother warned Emilia's Father playfully hitting at his arm in a warning.

"Are you Emilia's Father?" Ivan asked out of the blue coming up and holding out his hand. Emilia's Father registered the smell and Emilia bit down on her lip to keep the chuckle from going out as she watched her Father flinch at the sudden impact of the smell now that the culprit was standing within an inch from him.

"Alright, that's quite enough chitchat, we'll introduce ourselves later, for now, you need water, and soap. Lots and lots of soap." Emilia's Father choked, out a hand to his nose ignoring the hand Ivan had offered to him. Unlike her Mother, Emilia's Father wasn't as good at keeping his feelings hidden, he liked to tell things as he saw them. Always said that there was no point in sugaring the truth. "I assume you are staying the night as well?" Her Father manged to get out between breaths.

"Oh, well yes. The Lovely Emilia has insisted upon my staying, unable to bare the thought of me leaving her presence." Emilia choked on Ivan's words' unable to believe he would say them. They had just met! And he was talking to her Father!

Emilia held in her fit of anger, that had flared up at his words', wanting to correct them, but was stopped by her Father's soft chuckle. "Well then, perhaps we have something to talk about while we get you settled in." Her Father grinned, winking at Emilia before turning his attention to Ivan who looked nervous suddenly. 

"Oh, but I haven't gotten any money to stay here. I'm afraid my other companions have it." Ivan explained trying to get out of following Emilia's Father. Even though Emilia had already explained to him that it would be fine. She'd told him on the walk back that her parents wouldn't care.

"Not important. Getting rid of that smell will be payment enough." Her Father surprised them all by bluntly saying. Even Emilia was beginning to feel a little bad for Ivan, whose face had turned a slight pink. Aster on the other hand was laughing now, his laughter filling the hall.  

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