"You don't mean that-"

"I HATE YOU!" I shout, louder than anything else I've been shouting tonight. He flinched and closes his eyes. I hope he's about to cry.

"Alright, we need to take a breather." Dad now says. "Alright, let's go for a walk, shall we?" The last thing I heard was Ross shouting fuck before my dad walked me far away from the house. "What the hell is going on?" My dad asks me. I keep silent.

| Ross Lynch |

"FUCK!" I shout, watching her dad pull her away. "Laura! I swear-"

"Ross, stop. Just give it up." Ellington says, grabbing my wrist. "You've made her feel shitty enough." I turn around and look at Ellington.

"Ellington, you have to know, I didn't mean to hurt her. I just wanted her to love me and I wanted... I-I messed up but I love her and I ca-can't..." My eyes started welling up with tears.

"Hey, it's alright. We do crazy shit for love." He tells me. He gives me a small smile before walking away towards the direction his dad took Laura. What have I done?

"Wait... you're telling me that Brianna isn't actually your girlfriend?" My mom asks. Sniffling, I nod my head. "And you've loved Laura Renae this whole time?" She asks. Again, I nod my head, but I don't sniffle. "She'll forgive you." She whispers. I shake my head.

"I don't know if she will, mom." I whisper. I walk past my mom and everybody else to the kids house so I can shower and try and think of a way to make it up to Laura. I have to make it up to her.

"Ross?" I stop right before the bathroom door at the sound of my little brothers voice. "Listen... I'm really sorry that I told her, but she was really upset and crying and... she loves you, Ross. She really does, she's just more hurt than anything. She doesn't hate you." I shake my head and look down at the ground.

"Ry, it's not your fault." I whisper. "It's mine. Don't worry about." I mumble, turning the knob on the bathroom door.

"Is there any way I could help you?" He asks me quietly. I take a deep breath before shaking my head and walking into the bathroom, locking it behind me. "I love you, brother! Don't forget that!" He somewhat shouts through the door.

"Love you, too." I reply. I immediately start a shower and hop in, letting the hot water run down my body. I fucked up.

By the time I got out of the shower, literally everybody was on their air mattress for the night. I frown as I notice Rocky by himself on the air mattress he was suppose to be sharing with Laura and notice Rydel and Ellington were both still gone. Sighing, I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of milk we had in there. Silently, I hop into the counter and drink my milk in the pitch black. Minutes later, the back door open and I watch as the three people who were missing walk in.

"I'll share with Rocky tonight." I hear Ellington say. Rydel sees me and gives me a small smile before blocking me from Laura's view. Great.

"Do you know where my guitar went?" I quietly ask anybody who's willing to answer my sorry ass. After a few moments of silence, I hop off the counter and flip on all the lights.

"My dad put it by the door." Gil suddenly says. On my way to the door, I pick up my phone and find my guitar so I can walk outside. I shut the lights off right as I open the back door so I can get some fresh air. Don't ask me how I manage to escape without eyeing Laura once, becuase it legit took everything in me not to look at her, especially knowing she wouldn't do shit about it if I did look at her. Sighing, I sit in a chair at the table on the deck and randomly strum my guitar. I knew what I had to do. I grab my phone and scroll through my contacts and press Bri's name. She answers on the fourth ring.

"Wow, Rockstar. You've never called this late." She says. The smallest of smiles form on my face. Never fails with her.

"Yeah." I breathe out.

"Uh oh, why do you sound so blue?" She asks. I chuckle the slightest and rub one eye with my free hand. "Rockstar.... is everything alright?" Sighing, I now run my fingers through my hair.

"Laura loves me back." I tell her.

"Then why do you sound so sad? I thought that was why we did this?" I take a deep breath and lean back against the chair, letting my eyes close.

"Because she found out from Ryland. And now she hates me." I hear Brianna sigh over the phone and hear some rustling before everything goes silent.

"Aw, Ross... I'm sure she doesn't hate you. She's probably just upset." I shake my head.

"She screamed I hate you to me. Like, she actually screamed at the top of her lungs. She called me a liar and said she can't trust me anymore... I-I don't know what to do, Bri. I seriously fucked up." I mumble, closing my eyes tightly. "And now tears are forming in my eyes and shit, Bri. I'm turning into a sappy girl." Brianna let's a small laugh out.

"Babe, you love her. Of course you're feeling like this." But I don't want to feel like this! "And I'm positive she doesn't hate you." I mumble an I don't know before she speaks up again. "Do you want me to talk to her?" She asks. "I can assure her some stuff-"

"It's fine." I whisper. "I'm sure she doesn't want anything to do with you." I sigh. "But I really appreciate everything you've done. Especially letting me be a third wheel these past five months." Brianna chuckles.

"Hey, as long as those promised free R5 tickets for all L.A. show until you die, then no harm done." I smile.

"You got it." I whisper. "And I'm sure Em will be happy I'm out of your hair. You and her should really take a vacation to get away for awhile." I tell her. "I'm sure she'd love that."

"Yeah, I'll think about it. Money's pretty tight right now." She tells me.

"I'll pay. I owe you big time."

"It's alright, Ross. I got it." I frown. "You sure I can't do anything to help you?" She asks me. "I can always try and talk to her if you want. Maybe having a girl do it would be better."

"Nah, it's okay. I gotta patch this up myself or else... I don't really know what else." Brianna laughs again. "I'll let you go. Thanks again, Bri. I'll talk to you soon?"

"Of course. Night, Rockstar."

"Night." In first to hang up, and when I do, I let out a giant groan. What am I suppose to do now?

• i decided to end it here... so yeah... my plan since day one. hope you still like me and this story!!! don't forget to vote, comment something sweet, and follow me! love you, babes💜

Question: have you ever skinny dipped?
Answer: hell to the no


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