''New boy''

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I sighed and slowly pushed the doors open and made my way into the hall filled with students, feeling my heart beat faster, I started to walk very fast, hoping no one will notice me, but then I thought that the point of the whole thing was that people were supposed to notice my new look, so I started to walk slower.

I heard some girls whispering and giggling behind me and I smiled to myself, knowing that they probably talk about me and that the whole ''change'' thing worked.

I even heard some of them talking about me.

''Is that Niall Horan?''

''He looks so good.''

''I love his clothes.''

I looked at two chicks who smiled at me and waved shyly to me and I smiled and they started to jump happily.

I smiled again and I bumped into something that felt like a rock, but it was actually Harry.

''Well hello there, Niall.'' He smiled to me.

''Uh, hi Harry!'' I said.

''Looks like the change thing worked. Everyone is talking about you.'' He said, smiling like he knew from the beginning that he was right.

''Yes! I can't believe it! Thank you so much, Harry.'' I said.

''You can call me Hazza.'' He said smiling.

''Ok...'' I said.

The bell rang and Harry looked at his friends, then said:

''Well, we'll have to go. See you later.'' He spoke, walking away with his group.

''Bye...'' I shyly said.

I looked at my schedule and I saw that I have to go to Maths.

I sighed and set the school bag better on my shoulder and I started to walk to the class, still hearing lots of giggles.


I sat in my desk and I saw some girls looking at me, then talking to each other.

I have to admit, it was pretty awesome to be ''the centre of attention'', but it wasn't cool that I didn't know what they were saying about me.

But that's how it is when you're popular.

Just after that, I saw some girls walking over to me and smiling and I smiled back to them, then they started talking:

''Hey Niall, what's up?'' One of them said.

''Um...nothing.'' I replied awkwardly, knowing how lame it sounded, but I really didn't know what else to say.

I have never talked to a girl before...!

''Umm so I'm having a party this afternoon and I was wondering if you wanted to come?'' She said, but it turned out more like a statement.

''Really? Me?'' I asked.

''Yes you. Why not you?'' She asked.

''Well, I don't know...'' I replied.

''Well see you there. I'll text you the details.'' She said, smiling and twirling her hair.


Then I watched them walking away from me and after that I heard someone slapping their hands really hard on my desk.

''WHAT WAS THAT?!'' Harry asked.

''Um...I got invited to a party!'' I said, scared.

''That's not the problem. The problem is how you answered.'' He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I raised an eyebrow and he rolled his eyes.

''Really? Me?'' He quoted.

''What's wrong with that?'' I asked.

''Well you don't have to act like you didn't know it was gonna be you. You have to make them know you think you're awesome!'' He said.

''Oh...'' I replied awkwardly.

''Don't make the same mistake again.'' He said, walking to his desk.

I was quite surprised by Harry's action, but somehow he was right... Wasn't he?

My mom taught me not to be proud... But what if... Maybe... This time... Could be an exception?

Nothing can go wrong!


**At the party**

I slowly walked into Bri's house (this is how I call her now) and I heard the music just beating so hard, I felt my heart beating harder too...

It smelled terrible there, like sweat, but I held my breath and walked further into the building, then I felt someone touching my shoulder.

I turned around scared, but I saw it was only Bri.

''Oh hey...You scared me.'' I smiled.

''Well I'm glad you made it!'' She said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Oh my God!

''Let me show you around.'' She said, grabbing my hand and dragging me thought the crowd.

''Here is where we will be staying.'' She said, smiling.

''We?'' I asked, smirking.

''Yes, we! You are my friend now, aren't you?'' She said, smiling.

I blushed but I hope in all thought lights changing on and on, she didn't notice.

She dragged me to the couch and we talked hours about ME.

I was quite surprised that she wanted to talk about me, but I guess that she didn't know me very well and she just wanted to see what I am actually like.

''Let me bring you a drink.'' She said.

''Ok...'' I said.

After she left, a girl sat near me and she put a hand around my waist and she asked me what my favourite colour was.

''G-Green...'' I said.

''What a coincidence! I love green too'' She said, kissing me on the cheek too!

''Melanie, move away. He won't like you. You're ugly.'' Bri said, standing right in front of us and holding the drink in one of her hands.

The girl rolled her eyes and left, leaving room for Bri to sit next to me.

I took a sip out of the drink and I think it contained alcohol because I felt the room spinning and everything was getting blurry.

''Feeling bad, Nialler?'' Bri asked.

''A bit...'' I said.

''This will make you feel better.'' She said, pressing her lips to mine.

Soon enough she was on my lap, kissing me, but I managed to push her away.

''Leave me alone!'' I said, shaking my head.

''Why!?'' She yelled.

''I want to be alone...'' I said, knowing how stupid it sounded but I was drunk!

''How am I supposed to know you're not lying?'' She asked, then she kissed me again.

I managed to push her off again and I got off the couch and ran into the crowd.

I tried to look for the door, but there was nothing that looked like it.

I was getting so dizzy, I felt the room spinning, my head hurt terribly and I tried to shake off the pain, but it only got worse, then before I knew it, I was on the ground.

''Niall?'' I saw someone asking me, but I wasn't very sure who it was, although he looked a lot like Louis.


(A/N): Sorry, short update in a long time!

I'll try to update the new chapter soon!

See ya! <3

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