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After a few minutes of having my arms filled with the younger Nikiforov(a)-spawn, I was finally freed.

"How've you been, Vitya?" Anya looked up at me, which wasn't a particularly difficult task considering that she was a tall girl in kitten heels, and tapped me on the nose.

I rubbed my nose on instinct from being touched but instantly regretted it when Anya started stifling a laugh. Dammit... I'd probably made my skin red again.

Anya continued to hold in the urge to laugh but eventually cracked and snorted slightly before letting out a chain of melodic giggles. She attempted to muffle them, to little avail, by burying her face in her hands but somehow failed miserably and head butted my chest as she threw her face down into them.

"Well hello there, Rudolph!"


I knew my nose had turned red.

Damn you, Anya, and your perfect skin that never reacts to anything, not even touch!

I glared at her halfheartedly as I opened my mouth to reply.

"Well hello to you too, Anya. Yeah, I'm still doing fine. How's Mummy doing?"

Maybe I should've asked about her as well... Oh never mind! I'm sure it'll be fine.

She began to smile differently at the mention of our mother. Her expression softened a fraction and her eyes lit up, which could only mean good, pleasant things!



I glanced over at Klara, hoping for her honest input as to my mother's wellbeing, only to receive a weak smile and thumbs up before she face planted the side of the rink once again.

"She's doing fine, but since Daddy's still away she's becoming really lonely being alone in that massive house. I'm basically staying there now to keep her company with Klara."

It was no secret that I missed my parents; they'd always supported me throughout every step of my life and accepted my choices. No matter what I did they trusted my judgment (other than that time when I was I fifteen and tried to sneak alcohol into my the GPF banquet to share with the other junior skaters... That was a mistake that they handled firmly).

But, somewhat unfortunately, my father was a lawyer and was constantly away from home. Once I moved out it only became more frequent for him to take on cases further away from our home. Mummy was always sad when he went away and often told me of her fears that one day he'd just decide not to come home to her. I spent hours telling her that it would never happen but even I grew worried about that possibility.

It was ridiculous, and my parents never quite left the honeymoon phase, but my childhood fears never seemed to leave.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Yuuri skating over to us with a wide smile.

"Hi, Anya! I hope Klara's hangover hasn't caused you too much trouble."

He raised his hand to high five her and winked with a slight smirk, indicating that he was well aware that Klara had caused her a lot of trouble. Once their hands met in mid air, Yuuri interlocked their fingers together and pulled her into what could only be described as the closest thing you could get to a bro hug with a woman involved.

I wasn't jealous, honestly... I really wasn't... I'm serious...

Am I fooling anyone?

Nah, I didn't think so.

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