Champagne Flutes

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Once Yuuri returned from the restroom the tension that seemed to be forming around Klara and I dissolved into the past. Upon seeing him, Klara's eyes shone and twinkled with excitement as she unsubtly flitted her vision between the two of us.

This confused me for a couple of reasons.

One, why was this twenty-three-year-old acting like she was nine, and two, why was she looking at me expectantly as Yuuri walked over? Was this all part of her plan to steal my future husband? I won't allow it! Yuuri is, and will be, mineeeeee!!!!!

Once we began eating, I quickly realised that Yuuri was having trouble cutting the steak and so, of course, being the well-mannered suitor I am, offered to help him cut a small amount off. Yuuri game me a grateful smile and nodded shyly.

A quick glance across the table at Klara revealed the grown woman to be sitting there, blushing profusely with her face in her hands and emitting a quiet, high-pitched, squealing noise.

Once again I was left utterly confused by her actions.

"Ahhhhh," she began, "This reminds me so much of the first time I brought darling, little Nastya here!"

Okay, she was definitely tipsy; I could tell from not only her mannerisms but how she'd reverted back to saying Nastya as apposed to Anya.

But damn, this girl was still confusing me. Why was she so seemingly happy about the scene before her? Was it that she was trying to imprint the whole friendship thing into Yuuri's brain? She and Anya were friends; maybe she was trying to create a friend-complex between Yuuri and I to prevent us from ever being more!

I think I may be being a little too sceptical of her... Maybe this wasn't exactly fair...

After giggling a little more, Klara continued on her ramble about my dear sister.

"She was just so adorableeeee! She even ordered the exact same rump steakkkk we're eatingggg nooowwww!"

I was slightly amused by her behaviour, I have to admit.

She hiccuped slightly before continuing and saying, "It was my treat to her after sheeee dumpedddd the arse-hat from the looocalll musiicccc shopppp..."

As she went on and on about her visit with my sister, Yuuri's phone let out a quiet noise to alert him to a text. He looked down at the screen before fumbling and nearly dropping the phone in what looked like surprise. Suddenly he looked up and out of the booth and mouthed something at someone in what appeared to be exasperation. Now, I couldn't say for certain what he'd mouthed, but it sure looked like a 'What the fuck?' and it appeared to be followed by a name of some sort (if personal usage of the phrase was anything to go by).

Following his line of sight I caught sight of a short, young, tan man (honestly, was he a man or a boy?) dressed in the restaurant's uniform (waistcoat and all). Said young man was grinning widely at Yuuri with his hands clasped by his chest and his leg kicked up backwards in a sassy manner. He picked up a rather large bottle of champagne and began to make his way over to us.

"Are your meals up to standard? Would you like another bottle of champagne, free of charge, to go along with that?" he asked as he held up the bottle for us to look at.

Across the table, Klara definitely did not need another bottle as she was now resting her head on the table and alternating between giggles and overly-dramatic sobs. Yuuri, however, seemed very keen on the idea as he eyed the bottle.

Yuuri was also eyeing the waiter with a remotely confused expression.

"Phichit? What are you doing here? I thought you were in Detroit."

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