Bring Her Home

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Thank you, CelinaAurum for my first vote! Hope you continue to enjoy the story!!!!

Without further ado, here's part 2! Enjoy!!!


"Rowan, this isn't working." Aedion caught up to him just as Rowan was about to take off.

Rowan only growled and made to transform, but then Aedion said "She's probably in Doranelle by now."

Instantly Rowan snapped to attention. Aedion was right. It had been nearly three weeks since Aelin had been taken from him; Maeve would have reached Doranelle by now. Why had he not thought of that? What were they doing to his Fireheart while she was locked in the dark?

These last few weeks had been stressful on them all. Lysandra had been stuck in Aelin's skin and had to learn to navigate the political alliances that Aelin had made ready for them- foolishly thinking that they, her court, would take what she had provided and leave her to the wolves, with Maeve.

How could she ever believe that? Did she think so little of them? Of their love for her? Of my love for her? Rowan would bring her back. He couldn't leave his mate to suffer alone and not make a move to bring her home, to Terrasen, where she belonged- ruling over her loving subjects.

"I'm going." Rowan made to take off once again.

And once again, Aedion held him back. "Hold on Rowan. You can't just barge into Doranelle- you're not exactly inconspicuous. And they will have Aelin in a secure location with guards; you can't get to her alone. We need a plan and backup," Aedion reasoned.

Rowan glared. "Aelin is locked up and bound in iron. Who knows what they're doing to her in there? And you want me to stay here, sit on my ass, and wait? I need to find her and bring her home!"

It was the most Aedion had heard from Rowan in weeks, for the prince- their king now, he supposed- had hardly done anything but eat and sleep before flying off to continue his search.

"I know how you feel. I feel it—"

"You have no idea how I feel, Aedion. She's my mate and she expects me to stay. Stay here and forget about her! I am destroyed, Aedion. You don't know the half of it," Rowan growled lowly.

"But that doesn't mean you should go to Doranelle without a plan. It could get you killed! And what if we lose you too, huh? Tarrasen can't lose its queen and king! One is bad enough! We are brothers remember? That means something to me. It means I have to look out for you when you don't look out for yourself. That is what family means." Not to mention that Aelin would skin me alive if something happened to you and I didn't interfere when I could have.

Aedion went on, "I'll call a meeting tomorrow morning. Nothing big. Only a few people we can trust to keep the secret. We'll put together a team that will come with us as backup. Then we will leave as soon as possible."

Rowan still did not look pleased.

Aedion sighed. "Look, Rowan. I understand. You're right, I may not feel the same things you're feeling, but Aelin is like a sister to me. I know how hard it must be for you because I feel it too. But walking in without a plan is not going to help her."

Still Rowan did not say anything. He only nodded and continued to his room, most likely to eat, sleep, and brood some more.

Shaking his head, Aedion went to write the invitations for the meeting.

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