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**Hello, this is Author here. I wanted to say this book is SO cringey, and what you're about to read is full of mature content and had an unrealistic take on the whole Naruto world. I wrote this about 3 years ago, when I just started watching the series. It's so bad.. But continue if you must. I don't know how this got so many reads lol xD**

I do not own naruto or the characters in any way shape or form. All credits go to the original creator(s). Also, I'm new to this Naruto fanfic stuff, so please don't kill me if I get anything wrong!!

Run! Alanah, they're right behind you!" My partner, Murasaki yelled.

I glance behind me, which was a bad mistake. I was smacked by the sand monster miles away from the fight.


Once I awoke, I was being carried in the arms of someone else. I open my eyes and see a silver haired man, close to my age, running through the trees. His face is covered with a black mask, only showing his right eye. "So, you're awake." He said, not looking down.

"Who are you? W-where am I?" I ask. "I'm Kakashi. I'm taking you to the infirmary. You got beaten pretty bad. Just, relax." He said, still not looking down.

I let myself fall back asleep.

I woke up in a soft bed, my whole body was sore and I could barely move. I woke to see the familiar silver haired guy from earlier. He was reading a book. Next to him were my comrades, Murasaki and Kin.

"Alanah! You're awake!" Murasaki exclaimed. "Murasaki, calm down. She still needs to rest." Kin said annoyed.

"How are you feeling?" Kakashi asked, leaning over towards me. "I'm still sore."

He sighed. "I'll go get a nurse for you." He left the room. "Who is he?" Murasaki asked.

"He's the guy who brought me here. His name is Kakashi." I say, then Kin sits next to me. "You got hit pretty hard out there."

"Did you guys manage to defeat it?"

"Yes, we had to get backup." Murasaki said. 'I was useless, all I did was run away and get punched.' I thought to myself.

Then Kakashi and the nurse walked in. "Hi Alanah. How are you feeling?" She asked politely. "I'm still sore, I can move a little, not much."

"Let's help sit you up." She said, sitting me up. I help a little, but my body is so weak. She arranges the pillows and I sit up straight.

"You took quite a hit, but you're actually healing fast." The nurse was looking at reports form my visit. "You should be fully healed by tomorrow morning."

I nod. "Okay. Thank you."

"That's great Alanah! You'll be back to train with us in no time!" Murasaki said happily.

"I'll be okay guys, you don't have to stay." I say to them, yawning. They nod and walk out. "We'll be back later to see you!"

Kakashi was leaning against the wall reading and I finally spoke. "Why are you here?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay, that's all." He said, smiling nervously. I blush and fiddle with my thumbs. "Well, I'm fine. You can go."

"See ya." He said, and then hopped out the window.


I walked out the hospital the next day, stretching my arms. I haven't been able to move much these past couple of days. "Alanah! Wait up!" Kin and Murasaki say running up to me.

"Hey guys." I fix the bandage on my left arm and sigh. "Did you know that the kids at the academy are graduating today?" Murasaki asked me.

"Really? Are there any good ones this year?" I ask as we finish walking down the small set of stairs. "Yeah, there's a couple of unique kids looking to be Genin."

"Lord Hokage!" Kin exclaimed, bowing slightly. "Kin, Murasaki, Alanah. I heard the mission went well."

I look down at my feet. "Alanah are you okay?" I nod my head. "Yes, I'm fine. I just wish I could've done more than I did."

"Alanah, you and I both know you are stronger than that. Sometimes mistakes are made, you need to learn." Lord Hokage smiled.

"Thank you." Then the three of us head down to the academy. "Do you know the senseis that are teaching the kids that graduate?" I ask the two as we walk in the building.

"I don't know all of them, but that Kakashi guy that was in the hospital with you is a Jounin leader." Murasaki said. "Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, I heard he's a really good ninja. And that he's really fast." She exclaimed. "After we watch the academy students test, we will go train by the memorial." Kin said, opening the door.

We piled into the room and the students were all sitting there talking. In the room sat the Lord Hokage, Iruka Sensei, and a couple of other Jounin like me.

A lot of the kids were great! There was one, Uchiha Sasuke who really stood out to me. He had that hateful, yet determined look in his eyes, it must be because of his older brother, Itachi.

The one student, Uzumaki Naruto, failed. But I could tell he had a sense of determination. Every year for the past three years I've seen him try this test. He's failed each time.

It's the same troubles I had when I was his age. I had just lost my parents, and I had my older sister, Aiko looking after me for as long as I've grown. Now, she's married and has children of her own.

I never had a full family growing up, and that distracted me from my focus on becoming a ninja. So, I had the worst scores in the academy. But I turned my life around and now I am striving to be a great ninja.


Murasaki, Kin, and I have been training for about three hours now. I am currently practicing my aim with my kunai knives. I feel a presence behind me and I turn around. I look up in the trees and Kakashi is sitting there, watching intently.

"It's impolite to stare," I say, throwing another kunai. Kakashi jumped and landed next to me. "I enjoy watching you train." He said, putting his book away.

"It seems you're having trouble with your aim. Here." He stepped behind me  and held my hand in the still position. I felt him against me and I felt his breath on my neck. "Now, watch my hand." He guided me through the throw.

"Now, throw." He said, and it was a bulls eye. "Thanks." I say and pick the kunais out of the target. "So, I heard you're a Jounin leader. Did you get anyone interesting on your squad?" I put the knives in my pouch.

"I have Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Haruno Sakura." He said. I look over at him. "That boy, Naruto. He's the kid with the.."

"The Nine Tailed Fox." He lowered his voice. I nod. "So, when does your team start training?"

"Tomorrow." He replied. "I see. Well maybe I can come spy on you then." I joke and he smiles. I wonder what's under that mask of his.

"Sounds good. I'll be looking forward to it." He said, then he vanished.


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