Chapter 1

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Welp. Here we are again. Rewriting the story that I failed to maintain. I just couldn't write that one. I sincerely apologize for wasting your time D: But I think you will like this plot line so much better than the last one! There will be another car-crash, but no amnesia or coma. No cliches.  I got this! Um, I think Eevee will only be 17 in this. Not totally clear. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!

~Eevee's POV~

"What do you mean there was a car crash!?" Jerome was slumped onto the couch. The first thing we see when we turned on the TV (who knows why it was on the news station) was Mitch's car in an accident. They didn't know who survived. They didn't know if he was okay. They didn't know if we would ever get to talk to him again.

"W-we have to go to the hospital." Jerome stuttered through the last minute decision. Just as he finished, the phone rang. I picked it up before it gave the second ring.

"Is this the home of Mitchell Hughes?" It was a voice I didn't recognize.


"Please come to the hospital. You are free to visit with him, but there is some things we have to tell you in person." That was a great sign. He was alive and well.

I hung up the phone after agreeing. "Jerome, we have to go now. Let's get the others."

~Time Skip~

We managed to get Ethan and Adam. The rest were recording or out of the house (Idk how many of the others will be main parts in the story. They are kind of just extras :P).

When we arrived at the hospital, Jerome carefully parked, probably trying to distract himself from the 'things we have to tell you in person'.

"Hello, can we see Mitchell Hughes?" I asked the front desk lady politely.

"Room 4b."

~IDK Time Skip~

"Mitch?" Adam cracked open the door to reveal a beaten up Mitch.

"Hey Doods." Even in his state, he was still Mitch. He still smiled at us when we walked in, even though he had oxygen nubs in his nose (that is what they are called) and about four needles in his arm. Just his left arm.

"Hey Biggums!" Jerome grinned Mitch. I think we were all just glad that he wasn't dead.

"How ya' feeling?" Ethan half smiled. I think Mitch and Ethan were like, little brother-big brother now. There was a five year difference (I had to do the math xD).

"Okay." Was Mitch's simple reply. I feel like there was something he wasn't letting on.

"Okay." I laughed. I think there will forever be some references they wouldn't understand. They don't read too much. I know, they're crazy.

"What?" Mitch somewhat chuckled in confusion.

"Nah, you would never understand!" I retorted, smiling. He shook his head in amusement. 

As we continued our random banter, the doctor (no, not The Doctor, internet) came in with a clip board and pen.

"So, you are Mitchell's family?" The Dr. asked like it was an everyday thing - which, to his credit, probably was.

"Yeah." I mean, close enough.

"Well, according to the information Mitchell has given us, and some blood tests we ran, he has lost all feeling in his right arm." The Dr. still didn't pay much attention. It was getting a but annoying how much he just didn't care. But I didn't care about how much he didn't care, I was more worried about Mitch's arm. I just waited for him to continue.

"There is a 90% chance we will have to amputate." 

Those words were something of a death sentence to Mitch. He needed his arm to play games. This wouldn't be such a big deal, had he not made his only income from that. Mitch's face paled, and so did Jerome's, to be fair.

"What can we do to keep his arm?" I asked after a few moments of silence, with which the Dr. didn't show any sign of emotion.

"Just see if you can get feeling into it, and your insurance can provide you with a week of physical therapy." So little concern. It is distracting me.

I sighed. This is going to be one long week.

~Author's Note~

That ending sucked. I like the story plot a whole lot more, though. I feel original! Be proud! Also, be proud that I committed to putting this up tonight, it is almost 3 in the morning and I am tired. It doesn't help that I spent and hour chatting with a friends from school from G+.... Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this installment of What Now? take care!


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