"Your friend? Have you talked about me?" I grinned "Hehe yes, I have told my closed friends, Akira Areum and Mao."

I froze in my seat when I heard your name "it can't be..." I mumbled.

"Areum... Is she..." "Ah that's right Areum is the friend I talked about. She came a year ago from Korea and you can say that her Japanese is almost as good as mine." I nodded and was deep in my own thoughts.

"Does your friend, Areum perhaps have a boyfriend?" Mina frowned and tilted her head "Don't even think you can hit on her." "What do you mean?" I asked confused but I have so my ideas about what she meant.

"She is really close with a boy she came to Tokyo with. People think that they are a couple but if you asked Areum, she would deny it. But you can see how Jaehyun, the boy, treats her differently than other girls."

When she said the name Jaehyun, that was the moment I got sure that we were talking about you.

I clenched my jaw when the thoughts about the phone call Nana and Jaehyun secretly held. 'And my Areum knows nothing about it.'

"Hey Jungkook, are you single?" Mina asked me and got me out of my thoughts. She looked at me, trying to catch my eyes.

I cleared my throat and rubbed my nose shyly "I uhm just got out- no I mean yes I'm single but-" "Oh really? Me too. I haven't been in a relationship for awhile and to be honest I think I can start a new one." She flashed her eyes lashes and came closer with her hand towards mine.

I took my hands in and looked down at my plate "Uhm Mina, I don't really-" "Know me? It's okay we can get to know each other while we date." She smiled and I mentally face palmed myself

"N-no Mina that's not what I mean. I just don't really-" "Ah it's okay, you don't have to be shy. We can take it slow."

I sighed 'Her IQ is lower than Nana's...'

Next day night (Club Feria Yokyo)

"3 mixed Cola Vodka please." I told the barista and than turned around to watch the dance floor.
I sighed 'why did I even agree to come here?'

Two boys from my share house asked if I wanted to join them and I agreed. But now I think about it, I could better stay home.

"Sweetie your 3 mixed Cola Vodka." I turned around, the barista gave me the glasses and a wink before turning to another customer. I could feel a shiver run down my spine and quickly walked away.

I walked back to the table where the other boys were, but stopped mid way when I saw a familiar parson in the corner of my eye. I turned my head and see the back of a girl.
I shook my head 'it must be my imagine... But what if it wasn't my imagine and you are here.'

"Jungkook is back, you're a slow turtle man." "Hehe sorry but will you excuse me, I'll be right back." I wanted to walk away but one of the boys took my arm.

"Come on man, drink some and than get the girls." I frowned and took a glass and drunk it all in one gulp. "Whaa Jungkook is going for it." I placed down the glass and wiped my chin "Now, excuse me."

I walked towards the dance floor and checked everyones faces [don't be so creepy Jungkook><] but I didn't saw you 'so it was my imagine..'
I was about to give up but when I turned back around and saw that lovely face of yours, everything looked like to go in slow motion and my hopes got up. Seeing you dancing with a girl and not a boy made me happy.

I stared at you for at least a minute before I got back so sense. A girl stood in front of me and smirked. She dances around me and touched my arm so now and than. I didn't mind much because I was focused on you. You smiled so happy and just enjoyed like you alway would.

I grinned in myself when I though about our past together but it immediately faded when I saw two boys talking and looking at you from behind. I ignored the girl in front of me and walked past her towards you, before one of those boys could get there filthy hands on you.

I glared at them and placed my hands on your waist. The familiar scent from you took in and it reminded me of how much I missed you.

The girl who stood in front of you smirked and walked away, leaving you alone with me, not that I minded. You were probably stunned and didn't move but after a few second, you just danced.

I smiled thinking about you in my arms again but I wasn't satisfied, knowing that you would walk away when you see who is standing behind you. So I did everything I could to avoid your gaze.

You tried and tried but you can not know that I'm in Tokyo, not yet.

You forcefully took my hands and turned around. To prevent you from seeing me, I quickly turned the other way and walked away.

This wasn't what I want. I wanted to keep you close a little longer. I wanted to talk to you.
I want us to be together.



"Ugh no no no." I searched in my bag and than my purse from yesterday night "Where is it?!" I groaned and looked around, my eyes landed on my clock and I widen my eyes '9:24' "Sh*t sh*t sh*t."

I took my bag and hurried downstairs. Greeted by Mao and Jaehyun who were peacefully sitting around the table "No time, late school." I searched around the table but no keys. I groaned angry.

"What's wrong?" Mao asked me "My keys." "Ooh, Daichi took your keys and gave his to me." I stoped in my track and slowly faced Mao "You serious?" She nodded.

"The keys are still in his room, should I-" i didn't wait any second and took off my bag, I rushed to Daichi's room and took the keys. I quickly walked out to the hall and put on my coat, meanwhile placed the keys on the stairs and checked myself in the mirror.

I walked out the door and closed it but it took me one step to realise that I didn't have my bag with me "ugh why?" I turned back around to open the door with the keys.... 'ok where are my keys?' I checked my pockets and than remembered me putting them on the stairs.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath 'it's okay it's okay.'
I was about to ring the doorbell but it opened. Jaehyun stood there with my bag, keys and his helmet. He walked past me to his motorbike "Get on."

It took me a few seconds to realise what he meant and quickly sited down behind him. "Hold me tight." I hesitated but hugged his waist. He stared the energy and *broeeem* we were gone.

It wasn't the first time for me sitting on Jaehyun's motorbike, but it was the first time to go to school with it. We arrived just on time, well I arrived just on time because of the different classes I take.

"Thank you Jaehyun! I own you KFC!" I gave him a quick hug and rushed inside.

Jaehyun POV

I chuckled and waited till you got in 'pabo' I grinned and put on my helmet.

I was about to go but got stopped by someone. I slowly looked up and see Jungkook standing in front of me.

I smirked "Long time no see, chingu."


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